Difference: ExerciseSheets (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122022-10-24 - UliRaich

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  tp_10 is the trajectory for 10 degrees.
tp_45 is the trajectories for 45 degrees.
tp_45 is the trajectory for 45 degrees.

End of the second exercise session

Line: 91 to 94
 Write a program that blinks the user programmable LED on the CPU card at a frequency of 1 Hz (500 ms on, 500 ms off)

Write a function that blinks the LED once with a delay that is passed as a parameter:

def blink_once(delay): 
Test the function with a main program calling is with different delays.
Test the function with a main program calling it with different delays.
  Use the function to implement a program that blinks an SOS: 3 short pulses, followed by 3 long pulses, followed by 3 short pulses, followed by a 2s pause. You may use a 200 ms delay for the short pulses and 700 ms delay for the long ones.

Reading the pushbutton

Line: 102 to 106
  Improve the program printing the state only when there was a state change.

Forth exercise session

Reading an analogue signal level from the slider potentiometer

  • Read the documentation of the ADC driver in the MicroPython manual
Line: 120 to 124
  You can further modify the colors by changing the intensity values. For example: (12,27,5) Play around trying to generate as many different colors as you like.
Write a program that lights the top LED in blue and then lights the following LEDs in clockwise direction to :
  • blue (top LED)
  • cyan
  • green
  • yell low
  • magenta
  • red
  • the middle LED becomes white
You may have a look at the small project below and light the LEDs in the colors required by the project.


A small project

As a small project, we are going to combine the reading of the ADC and the control of the rgb LED ring. As we saw, the ADC delivers values between 0 and 4095 (12 bits). We can divide this range in 7 slices, corresponding to the 7 LEDs in the ring. For the lowest slice, the top LED will be lit. Then we go clockwise around the ring: the next LED lit will be to the right of the first one. For the highest slice, the middle LED will be lit.

Line: 158 to 156
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