Difference: ModulesAndTiming (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32022-10-15 - UliRaich

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META TOPICPARENT name="MinimalLectures"

Python modules and timing

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 This is how you would go about:
from math import sin,radians

Writing your own functions


Let's try these.

It is easily possible to write your own functions and to create your own modules.

Imagine you want to create a sin function which takes angles in degrees, instead of radians. Let's call the function sin_deg(degrees). It will take its parameter degrees, convert the value to radians and return the sin result, which was calculated with the sin function from the math library. You can define a function with the keyword def. The function body is again indented, like we saw in case of the conditions or the loops:

from math import sin,radians
def sin_deg(degrees):
   rad = radians(degrees)
   return sin(rad)

We can call this function as follows:

angle = 30              # use 30 degrees as parameter value
result = sin_deg(angle) # calculates the sin of "angle" degrees using our own sin_deg function
print("sin(",angle,") = ",result)

Let's try these ExerciseSheets#SecondSession
Thereafter we will learn how to access hardware in Hardware Access GPIO

  -- Uli Raich - 2022-10-15
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