Difference: Picoweb ( vs. 1)

Revision 12020-01-24 - UliRaich

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Installing the picoweb server

The description of picoweb on its git repository explains it as follows:

picoweb is a "micro" web micro-framework (thus, "pico-framework") for radically unbloated web applications using radically unbloated Python implementation, Pycopy, https://github.com/pfalcon/pycopy .

As you can see, it is designed to run of pycopy, a fork of standard MicroPython, which we use on our ESP32 micro-controller. It depends on several packages, which are normally not part of the standard MicroPython binary such that we either install these dependencies with upip or, better, freeze them into a custom MicroPython binary.

picoweb depends on:

  • utemplate
  • uasyncio
  • pkg_resources
  • ulogging
In order to make these packages available I copy them into the modules directory of the esp32 MicroPython port:


utemplate can be found at https://github.com/pfalcon/utemplate

uasyncio is part of micropython-lib but need a small modification (the awritestr method must be added):


pkg_resources is the version found in micropython-lib

ulogging is logging, found in micropython-lib, renamed ulogging

As you can see, we also copied picoweb itself into the modules directory. After compiling MicroPython all these modules will be available for use.

Running the WEB server

In the picoweb repository you will find a series of examples: In the picoweb directory you find example_webapp.py and example_webapp2.py, where example_webapp2.py is essentially a subset of example_webapp.py. There is also an "examples" directory with mode examples.

In order to make this example run you have to

  • create a directory called templates on the ESP32 file system and copy squares.tpl into it
  • create the wifi_connect file (see the connect to WiFi description in https://techtutorialsx.com/2017/09/01/esp32-micropython-http-webserver-with-picoweb)
  • modify yourNetworkName and yourNetworkPassword to adapt the script to your WiFi SSID and password and upload the modified script to the ESP32
  • on the ESP32:
    import wifi_connect
    will connect to your WiFi network and print the IP address of the WEB server.
  • In example_webapp.py modify
    app = picoweb.WebApp(__name__, ROUTES) to app = picoweb.WebApp(None, ROUTES)
  • add host="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" to app.run where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx must be replaced by the IP address you get from wifi_connect. In may case:
  • copy example_webapp.py to the ESP32
  • on the ESP32:
    import picoweb
    will start the WEB server
A few screen dumps show the procedure:

-- Uli Raich - 2020-01-24



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