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Revision 12020-01-20 - UliRaich

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Bringing up the MicroWebSrv2 server on an ESP32.

The source code of MicroWebSrv2 is available here . We get at the code using git: git clone https://github.com/jczic/MicroWebSrv2.git into a working directory (in my case: /opt/ucc/afnog/afnog-2020.

I have been able to get the WEB server to work only by freezing its code into MicroPython. This I did by copying the MicroWebSrv2 sub-directory, containing the MicroWebSrv2 Python code into the modules directory of the MicroPython's esp32 port and rebuilding and flashing MicroPython.

Once this is done you should be able to import MicroPython MicroWebSrv2 module:


Now I use rshell to upload MicroWebSrv2's full www to the esp32:


mkdir /pyboard/www

rsync www /pyboard/www

-- Uli Raich - 2020-01-20



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