TWiki's AFNOG webThe AFNOG web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise. 2025 by contributing authors2025-03-13T17:36:40ZWebStatistics for AFNOG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors... (last changed by TWikiGuest)TWikiGuestMinimalLectures notes Summary: Introduction (this page) Communicating with the ESP32 First Python Programs Modules and Timing Hardware... (last changed by UliRaich)UliRaichModulesAndTiming modules and timing Python libraries are arranged as modules, containing a number of functions and/or classes. These modules must be imported before being... (last changed by UliRaich)UliRaichBuildingAWeatherStation a simple Weather Station Intoduction Up to now we have only used simlated sensors (the push button for digital signals and the potentiometer for analogue... (last changed by UliRaich)UliRaichASP2024 African School of Fundamental Physics Introduction Courses on experimental physics are very scarce in Africa. When talking to African professors, I always hear... (last changed by UliRaich)UliRaichWebHome WEB is dedicated to the AFNOG Workshop and in particular to the tutorial session on IOT (Internet of things) devices. The AFNOG tutorial on IoT... (last changed by UliRaich)UliRaichUDhTWtuk small project In this small project, we want to read the analogue sensor (slider) and display the result on the rgb LED ring. To do this, we will divide the possible... (last changed by TWikiGuest)TWikiGuestMQZ8J small project In this small project, we want to read the analogue sensor (slider) and display the result on the rgb LED ring. To do this, we will divide the possible... (last changed by TWikiGuest)TWikiGuestASmallProjectDBMS_PIPE_RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)CHR(98)CHR(98),15),15)2024-03-09T05:57:59ZA small project In this small project, we want to read the analogue sensor (slider) and display the result on the rgb LED ring. To do this, we will divide the possible... (last changed by TWikiGuest)TWikiGuestUuU3xddF))OR851=(SELECT851FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--SELECT851FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--?t=2024-03-09T05:57:14Z"/> small project In this small project, we want to read the analogue sensor (slider) and display the result on the rgb LED ring. To do this, we will divide the possible... (last changed by TWikiGuest)TWikiGuestW0p5D8sw)OR270=(SELECT270FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--SELECT270FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--?t=2024-03-09T05:56:23Z"/> small project In this small project, we want to read the analogue sensor (slider) and display the result on the rgb LED ring. To do this, we will divide the possible... (last changed by TWikiGuest)TWikiGuest6eFaueyPOR183=(SELECT183FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--SELECT183FROMPG_SLEEP(15))--?t=2024-03-09T05:55:33Z"/> small project In this small project, we want to read the analogue sensor (slider) and display the result on the rgb LED ring. To do this, we will divide the possible... (last changed by TWikiGuest)TWikiGuestYCkOqfbc small project In this small project, we want to read the analogue sensor (slider) and display the result on the rgb LED ring. To do this, we will divide the possible... (last changed by TWikiGuest)TWikiGuest-1OR3443-443-1=0001 small project In this small project, we want to read the analogue sensor (slider) and display the result on the rgb LED ring. To do this, we will divide the possible... (last changed by TWikiGuest)TWikiGuest-1OR2443-443-1=0001 small project In this small project, we want to read the analogue sensor (slider) and display the result on the rgb LED ring. To do this, we will divide the possible... (last changed by TWikiGuest)TWikiGuestASmallProjectAND238=68AND2105!=2105!=21052024-03-09T05:48:43ZA small project In this small project, we want to read the analogue sensor (slider) and display the result on the rgb LED ring. To do this, we will divide the possible... (last changed by TWikiGuest)TWikiGuest