Difference: Lecture8:DHT11TemperatureAndHumiditySensor (1 vs. 2)

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META TOPICPARENT name="LectureSlides"

Start Presentation

Slide 1: DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor


Lecture 8

Uli Raich

UCC semester 2017/2018

A single GPIO pin

We have seen how we can drive an LED from a single GPIO pin

programmed as output pin or how we can read its state

through another GPIO pin, programmed as input pin.

Can one do more with a single pin?

DHT11 pinout

The DHT11 has only
3 pins:

  • Vcc
  • Ground
  • one data pin

Serial Protocol

How can we, with a single pin

  • initiate a measurement
  • read humidity and temperature data
  • make sure the data are correct?
The answer is: a serial protocol
and the DHT11 implements its own serial protocol

Reading and understanding the data sheet

Let’s have a look at the DHT11 data sheet:

Most of the following information is just a copy from the data sheet.


How does a resistive humidity measurement work?


Resistive Humidity Measurement(2)

  • Variations in relative humidity produce changes variations
    of resistivity,which is measured.
  • The resistance of certain hygroscopic materials such as
    hygroscopic salts have such a property
  • These materials are mounted as thin films on
    the substrate with metal contacts
  • The devices can be very small

The NTC Thermistor


A processor on chip

In order to convert these measurements into numeric values

and send them to the end user through a serial protocol,

a preprogrammed micro-controller must be implemented on the chip.

In the case of the DHT11 this is an 8 bit micro-controller,

which does the conversion into binary and which creates the serial protocol

Text from the data sheet


Measurement Precision


How to connect the device


Powering the device

As we can see from the specs below, the DHT11 power line

can be directly connected to the cobbler 3.3V (or the 5V) line


Single Wire two way interface


Overall Communication Process


How to initiate a Measurement?


What does this mean for our program?

We must:

  • Program the GPIO pin onto which we connected our DHT11 as output
  • We must pull this line done (send a login level zero) and
    keep it low for a minimum of 18 ms
  • We must pull it high again and wait for another 20-40 μs
  • Finally we must re-program the pin as input and wait for the DHT11 to respond.

Response from DHT11response.png

A zero bit


A one bit



Wow, this looks complicated. How can we write a program to do all this?

Let's start slowly:

  • Initiating a measurement seems do-able
  • Why not just read the data from the device every 5 µs
    and print out the information?
The zeros and ones do not look too convincing.
Let’s save those onto a file and look at it with gnuplot

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Revision 12017-10-20 - uli

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META TOPICPARENT name="LectureSlides"

Start Presentation

Slide 1: DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

-- Uli Raich - 2017-10-20


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