You can then copy the contents of /media/loop into a directory you call boot and do the same thing for the root file system.
> >
For copying I use:
tar cvpf - * | (cd /opt/ucc/micros/raspberry/raspbian-stretch-2017-09-07/b(r)oot; tar xvf -)
(use either boot or root).
Setting up the system
Once Raspbian is up and running you will have a user pi with password raspberry to log in. This user has the UID 1000 and GID 1000. Unfortunately on my PC Ubuntu system these are the UID and GID of user uli, my main user name. This causes trouble when we want to easily log in through ssh or copy files with scp. I therefore modified the UID and GID for user pi to be 1001 to free 1000 for user uli.