Difference: BasicWEBServer (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32022-11-12 - UliRaich

Line: 1 to 1

Writing a WEB server from scratch

We do not want to re-invent the wheel and we will use a WEB server already prepared for us by professional programmers but it is nevertheless interesting to implement a very simplistic WEB server ourselves simply to understand the basic principles.
We do not want to re-invent the wheel, and we will use a WEB server framework already prepared for us by professional programmers. It is nevertheless interesting to implement a very primitive WEB server ourselves, simply to understand the basic principles.

The Hello World WEB Server

Let's start simple and produce a WEB server that just sends "Hello World!" to the browser when called. You may add some HTML text if desired. In the first version we will write a TCP server creating a stream socket and binding to port 80.

Let's start simple and produce a WEB server that just sends "Hello World!" to the browser when called. You may add some HTML text if desired. In the first version we will write a TCP server creating a stream socket and binding to port 80.

s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) 
Line: 21 to 23
 while True: conn,addr=s.accept() print("GOT a connection from %s" % str(addr))
Finally it reads an http request from the connection and answers with its Hello World page:
Finally, it reads an HTTP request from the connection and answers with its Hello World page:
print("Content %s" % str(request))
request=str(request) response=html conn.send(response) conn.close()
request=str(request) response=html conn.send(response) conn.close()
html is the http string to be sent, e.g.
HTML is the HTTP string to be sent, e.g.
html = """ <!DOCTYPE html>
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