Difference: Introduction (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52020-05-16 - UliRaich

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The Internet of Things

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  Almost all the exercises that made up the course on embedded systems on the Raspberry Pi in C can also be accomplished with the ESP32 in (Micro) Python. In the new course all software is developed on a PC and uploaded to the ESP32. The necessary tools will be explained.
If your knowledge of Python is not up to date or you have to learn the language from scratch https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html is a good place to start.
 Many of the software drivers for sensor readout are already embedded in the Python interpreter but students can also write their own drivers and add them to the system. For the "high flyers" it is also possible to write drivers in C, e.g. when speed is of utmost importance, and to integrate them into the Python interpreter. This however requires some knowledge of the inner workings of MicroPython.

While the course on embedded systems exclusively looked into device readout and control, the Internet access and more specific WiFi access, will be part of this course.

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