Difference: PS2GameController (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22022-11-02 - UliRaich

Line: 1 to 1

The PS2 game controller

Line: 18 to 18
Vibration Motor (nc) nc  
Ground GND  
Power (3.3V) 3.3V  
Attention D8 (SPI CS)  
Attention D8 (SPI CS) 5
Clock D5 (SPI CLK) 18
nc nc  
Acknowledge D0 26

Revision 12022-11-02 - UliRaich

Line: 1 to 1

The PS2 game controller

The PS2 game controller can be used to remotely control our robot cars, robotic arms or other devices. There is a project showing how this can be done for an Arduino.


We need to find out, however, how to connect the receiving module to the ESP32 and a driver is needed to receive the commands from the command unit.

Here is the pinout:


PS2 receiver unit !WeMos D1 Pins GPIO
Data (controller to PS) D7 (MOSI) 23
Command (PS to controller) D6 (MISO) 19
Vibration Motor (nc) nc  
Ground GND  
Power (3.3V) 3.3V  
Attention D8 (SPI CS)  
Clock D5 (SPI CLK) 18
nc nc  
Acknowledge D0 26
-- Uli Raich - 2022-11-02



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ps2_controller.png" attr="" comment="" date="1667398393" name="ps2_controller.png" path="ps2_controller.png" size="141078" user="UliRaich" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ps2_connections.png" attr="" comment="" date="1667398574" name="ps2_connections.png" path="ps2_connections.png" size="97383" user="UliRaich" version="1"
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