Difference: ST7735TFTDisplay (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122021-02-06 - UliRaich

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META TOPICPARENT name="Exercises"

Exercise 10: A TFT Display and the ST7735 display controller


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The font files are actually executable Python code that you can run on CPython on your laptop. Try to run e.g. courier20.py and sysfont.py. You will see a letter, which in case of the courier font will be upright(hmap() returns true), while in the sysfont case it will be turned clockwise by 90 ° (hmap() returns false). Can you write a piece of code that will transform the sysfont glyph into an upright layout?


Exercise 3: Graphical User Interface (GUI) elements from nanogui


Exercise 3: Graphical User Interface (GUI) elements from nanogui

  Create 2 meters, one for temperature (0..50) and one for humidity (0..100). Generate dummy temperature and humidity values and display them in the meters.
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 Create a plot of a damped oscillator



Exercise 5: A new GUI element (bonus point)


Exercise 5: A new GUI element (bonus point)

Create a voltmeter application to measure voltages. You will need a new Scale GUI element similar to the nanogui Dial, but designed by yourself, which displays the voltage read from an ADC. Values to be displayed must range from 0 to 5V. The photo below shows the voltmeter, reading a voltage of 1V.
Create a voltmeter application to measure voltages. You will need a new Scale GUI element similar to the nanogui Dial, but designed by yourself, which displays the voltage read from an ADC. Values to be displayed must range from 0 to 5V. The photo below shows the voltmeter, reading a voltage of 1V.

Exercise 6: Super Mario, a bit of a challenge!

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