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Revision 12020-04-29 - UliRaich

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The sensors and actuators used during the course

MicroPython drivers

For many of the devices we will use during the course the drivers are already included in MicroPython. This makes it very easy to get at the measurement results or to control the devices but it hides the way the devices actually work from the students. It is import though that the students are able to implement their own drivers if they get hold of equipment which is not yet supported by the MicroPython library.

Here are the devices we will look into:

  • LED: The CPU board has a built-in user programmable LED, which is certainly the most simple device to use
  • DHT11: A temperature and humidity sensor with a proprietary protocol. MicroPython provides a driver for readout of the device but this hides the protocol from the user. I added a function allowing to read the raw data.
-- Uli Raich - 2020-04-29


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