Difference: SolutionsToNopLEDsAndNopNeoPixel (1 vs. 2)

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META TOPICPARENT name="Solutions"

Solutions to the Exercise of LEDs


Solutions to Exercise 2: LEDs


Exercise 1:

Here is the screen dump of a REPL session switching the builtin LED on and off:


Exercise 2:

This is the most simple program in embedded systems. So... nothing much to say!



Exercise 3:

Exercise 3 is not much more difficult neither. We create a function called pulse, which takes a !pulseLength as parameter. This function switches the LED on for pulseLength seconds and off again for another pulseLength seconds. This function is called 3 times with a short !pulseLength, 3 times with a long pulseLength and again 3 times with a short pulseLength.

Here is the code:


Exercise 4:

This was an exercise we did during the IoT workshop at the African Internet Summit 2019 in Kampala, Uganda and the solution comes from this workshop.

It defines a function intensityCycle, which increases the PWM duty cycle in steps given by the resolution parameter and keeps this intensity stable for a duration given by the duration parameter. It does so for duty cycle 0 up to duty cycle 1 and then back to duty cyle 0.

At the Kampala workshop we also had a demo program cycling the intensity not in a linear but a sinusoidal fashion. Both programs are given here:

https://iotworkshop.africa/pub/IoT_Course_English/SolutionsToNopLEDsAndNopNeoPixel/pwmExerciseSol.py.txt : the linear cycle and

https://iotworkshop.africa/pub/IoT_Course_English/SolutionsToNopLEDsAndNopNeoPixel/pwmLED.py.txt : the sinusoidal cycle

Exercise 5:

Switching on the LEDs one by one we see that

  • address 0 corresponds to the middle LED
  • address 1 to the top LED
  • and the others in clockwise progressing around the circle

Exercise 6 and 7:

Once we know the LED addresses it is easy to switch them on clockwise and anticlockwise



Changing the colors is done by passing the corresponding RGB (Red,Green,Blue) values to the WS2812 driver.

  -- Uli Raich - 2020-05-06



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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="pwmLED.py.txt" attr="" comment="" date="1590851158" name="pwmLED.py.txt" path="pwmLED.py.txt" size="1075" user="UliRaich" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ws2812Addresses.py.txt" attr="" comment="" date="1590851158" name="ws2812Addresses.py.txt" path="ws2812Addresses.py.txt" size="1173" user="UliRaich" version="1"
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