Difference: GoodStyle (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42001-09-13 - PeterThoeny

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  • TWiki has very simple text formatting rules. You won't go wrong if you:
    • start each line without spaces
    • separate paragraphs with a blank line
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  • For external site links, you can type URLs directly into the text - http://etcete.ra/... - it'll clear to anyone where they're headed on click.
  • TWiki is international, and an ISO international standard date format like 06 Feb 1998 is preferred. A date like 2/6/98, can mean either Feb or Jun, depending on the local conventions of the readers. For months, use the first three letters: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,...
  • TWiki is international, and an international standard date format like 01 Sep 2001 is preferred. A date like 9/1/01, can mean either January or September, depending on the local conventions of the readers. For months, use the first three letters: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,...
  • Look at the source when you want to find out how something is formatted: click Raw text on the lower toolbar. A bit of HTML experience can't hurt, but you'll soon see with TWiki how far that is from necessary.
  • Look at the source when you want to find out how something is formatted: click More on the lower toolbar, then checkmark Raw text format and click on [ View revision ]. A bit of HTML experience can't hurt, but you'll soon see with TWiki how far that is from necessary.
-- PeterThoeny - 30 Jul 2000
-- PeterThoeny - 13 Sep 2001
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