Difference: GoodStyle (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82003-12-31 - PeterThoeny

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GoodStyle Collaboration Tips

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    • if you merge or delete comments, group credit Contributors: at the end of the page
    • This is how Wiki content matures and grows in value over time.
  • For external site links, you can type URLs directly into the text - http://etcete.ra/... - it'll clear to anyone where they're headed on click.
  • For external site links, you can type URLs directly into the text - http://etcete.ra/... - it'll be clear to anyone where they're headed on click.
  • TWiki is intended for world-wide use, and an internationally understood date format like 01 Sep 2003 or 2003/09/01 is preferred. It's clearer than the xx/xx/xx format, where a date like 9/1/01 can mean either Jan or Sep, depending on the local conventions of the readers. For months, use the first three letters: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,...
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.GoodStyle.