> > | 6. Create a Widget Library
You can create a library of GUI widgets using a topic with named sections:
- Create a Main.WidgetLibrary topic
- Create widgets in that topic, such as alert boxes, submit forms, queries, etc. Widgets are defined as named sections and may process parameters. For example, above alert box can be a widget enclosed in
%STARTSECTION{AlertBox}% ... %ENDSECTION{AlertBox}% (instead of the %STOPINCLUDE% ... %STOPINCLUDE% )
- Place a widget in any topic. For example, to use the alert box widget write:
%INCLUDE{ "Main.WidgetLibrary" section="AlertBox" TITLE="Alert" MESSAGE="The sky is the limit!" }%
In essence, you are building a library of functions with parameters that people can use. Use your imagination, the sky is the limit!
Related Topics: VarINCLUDE, VarSTARTSECTION, VarENDSECTION, UserDocumentationCategory
-- Contributors: TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny , TWiki:Main/KennethLavrsen |