< < | TWiki Release 4.2.1 (Freetown), 00:13:28 04 August 2008 |
> > | TWiki Release 4.2.4 (Georgetown), 00:35:32 06 December 2008 |
TWiki 4.2.0 was released 22 Jan 2008 and introduced some hot new features that make TWiki a better user experience for both beginners and experienced application developers. It also contained quite a number of bugfixes since 4.1.2. |
< < | TWiki 4.2.1 is a patch release which only contains bug fixes. More than 150 bugs have been fixed since the release of 4.2.1 in all areas of TWiki. |
> > | TWiki 4.2.1 is a patch release which only contains bug fixes. More than 150 bugs have been fixed since the release of 4.2.0 in all areas of TWiki. |
| |
< < | It is highly recommended to upgrade TWiki 4.2.0 to 4.2.1. Users will find the 4.2.1 much more stable in daily use. |
> > | TWiki 4.2.2 is a patch release which only contains bug fixes. The major issues fixed since the release of 4.2.1 in all areas of TWiki are the registration verification code validation, and web specified REVINFO usage.
TWiki 4.2.3 is a patch release containing only the configure script as a security fix for TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2008-3195 .
TWiki 4.2.4 is a patch release which only contains over 30 bug fixes. This release also has a security fix for TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2008-5304 and TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2008-5305
It is highly recommended to upgrade TWiki 4.2.x to 4.2.4. Users will find the 4.2.4 much more stable in daily use. |
Pre-installed Extensions |
< < | TWiki 4.2.1 is shipped with |
> > | TWiki 4.2.4 is shipped with |
- Plugins: CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, EmptyPlugin, InterwikiPlugin, PreferencesPlugin, RenderListPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, TablePlugin, TinyMCEPlugin, TwistyPlugin, WysiwygPlugin
- Contribs: BehaviourContrib, JSCalendarContrib, MailerContrib, TipsContrib, TWikiUserMappingContrib, TwistyContrib
- Table of Content (TOC) feature enhanced
- User Mapping (mapping between login name and WikiName) code has been extended to allow pluggable modules to integrate with all sorts of alternative authentication and Management schemes. For normal cases you use the default TWikiUserMapping which is using the Main.TWikiUsers topic to map between login and WikiName. A new BaseUserMapping is provided for TWikis where you only have guests and an administrator. In this case you use the login and password given in configure to login as an admin.
> > | Important Changes since 4.2.4
This release was targeted for fixing maximum number of bugs. We have also fixed security issues listed at TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2008-5304 and TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2008-5305
Important Changes since 4.2.3
This release was targeted to fix the configure script as described security issue in TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2008-3195 .
Important Changes since 4.2.2
TWiki 4.2.3 is a patch release containing only the configure script as a security fix for TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2008-3195 .
Important Changes since 4.2.1
This is a fast trip bug fix for issues found during upgrades from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1.
Highlights of bug fixes since 4.2.1
- Registration with verification fails in 4.2.1
REVINFO with web specified in topic param renders as though topic does not exist.
- TWiki::Compatibility has undefined variable error
See the full list of bug fixes at the bottom of this topic. |
| Important Changes since 4.2.0
Perl 5.8 is now minimum requirement with Wysiwyg |
TWiki 4.2.0 Minor Release - Details |
< < | The 4.2.0 release was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/branches/TWikiRelease04x02 revision 17311 (04 Aug 2008). |
> > | The 4.2.0 release was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/branches/TWikiRelease04x02 revision 16277 (22 Jan 2008) |
| |
< < | Fixes |
> > | Fixes |
Item5252 |
RenderListPlugin produces warnings with list with no level 1 bullets |
Item3806 |
add true and false to TWiki::isTrue |
Item3805 |
footerrows setting is ignored when adding rows |
Item3804 |
TemplateLogin.pm doesn't return the error from the underlying PasswordManager |
< < |
Item3803 |
%!USERINFO{format="$groups"}% crashes |
> > |
Item3803 |
%USERINFO{format="$groups"}% crashes |
Item3727 |
Can't login; e-mail wiped out in .htpasswd entry |
Item3725 |
BulkRegister not functioning properly if password Manger is set to NONE |
Item3704 |
Incorrect number of topics indicated with multiple SEARCHes |
< < |
Item3703 |
& nbsp; in the size field of a form will crash the forms code |
> > |
Item3703 |
in the size field of a form will crash the forms code |
Item3690 |
exec return an exit code of 1 for a perfectly valid grep |
< < |
Item3689 |
CommentPlugin location only works if it is above the %COMMENT... tag |
> > |
Item3689 |
CommentPlugin location only works if it is above the %COMMENT... variable |
Item3688 |
Page loads unreasonable slow under IE with Twisty enabled (clone of 3582) |
Item3686 |
Make redirectto parameter work for rename |
Item3684 |
Over-complex CPAN installation instructions |
Item2960 |
I18N: Using UTF8 in headers breaks header anchors |
Item2915 |
Allow date format in form fields |
Item2892 |
TWiki dies with SEARCH on topic that has form field named *Foobar* |
< < |
Item2772 |
Mailto link should use %20 instead of for spaces |
> > |
Item2772 |
Mailto link should use %20 instead of   for spaces |
Item1379 |
Table sorting confused when using variables. |
< < | Enhancements |
> > | Enhancements |
Item652 |
configure plugins should be sorted case-insensitively |
Item1582 |
configure needs a backlink to the TWiki/WebHome |
< < | TWiki 4.2.1 Minor Release - Details |
> > | TWiki 4.2.1 Patch Release - Details |
| |
< < | The 4.2.1 release was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/branches/TWikiRelease04x02 revision 17311 (04 Aug 2008). |
> > | The 4.2.1 release was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/branches/TWikiRelease04x02 revision 17311 (03 Aug 2008) |
| |
< < | Fixes |
> > | Fixes |
Item5876 |
Make query search ref more clear in VarSEARCH. |
Item5499 |
TWiki::UI::Resister::changePassword sends login, not cUID to TWiki::Users::setPassword |
Item5495 |
add twikiBroadcastMessage class div to default & classic skins |
Item5491 |
FileAttachment documentation fix - {AutoAttachPubDir} should read {AutoAttachPubFiles} |
< < |
Item5490 |
%REVTITLE2% not substituted in RDiff.pm |
> > |
Item5490 |
%REVTITLE2% not substituted in RDiff.pm |
Item5478 |
Personal left bar is potentially buggy in layout |
Item5467 |
Pickaxe saves absolute URL instead of ATTACHURL |
Item5466 |
default and classic search.tmpl's have one table per topic result |
< < |
Item4741 |
%META{"formfield" ....} does not expand |
> > |
Item4741 |
%META{"formfield" ....} does not expand |
Item4289 |
Document effect if INCLUDE on access control settings |
Item4288 |
Document what happens if access control set more than once |
Item3824 |
Possible to hijack TOPIC or WEB variable making editing a topic with one of these defined impossible |
< < | Enhancements |
> > | Enhancements |
None! |
> > | TWiki 4.2.2 Patch Release - Details
The 4.2.2 release was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/branches/TWikiRelease04x02 revision 17396 (10 Aug 2008).
Item5892 |
Registration with verification fails in 4.2.1 |
Item5884 |
REVINFO{"$rev" topic="Bugs.ReleaseNotesTml"} seems to be returning '0' |
Item5880 |
TablePlugin may delete query parameters after reordering some table |
Item5898 |
prevent the browser from saving passwords in template login |
Item5888 |
simple refactoring to expand the possibility of more advanced SEARCH implementations. |
Item5887 |
TWiki Compatibility has an undefined variariable error |
Item5904 |
Translation bug in the german translation in TWiki 4.2.1 |
Item5907 |
fix author for topics in release |
Item5906 |
VarEDITACTION topic was missing from MANIFEST |
Item4683 |
that putting the word CGI into ==='s makes it dissapear. |
TWiki 4.2.3 Patch Release - Details
Only security issue from "configure" script as described in TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2008-3195 . was fixed in this release.
TWiki 4.2.4 Patch Release - Details
Item5967 |
viewfile partly broken |
Item6136 |
User input is passed to the perl "eval" command without first being sanitized. |
Item5937 |
move initialization of SwitchBoard to TWiki.spec |
Item6089 |
backslash at end of line inside verbatim and pre being used as line continuation |
Item6135 |
changes required in TWikiUserMappings.pm required to support registration in case PasswordManager is LdapUser |
Item5961 |
WysiwygPlugin and TWiki's odd idea of needing a space before *'s causes user surprise. |
Item5865 |
TablePlugin should support rowspan from header row |
Item6082 |
deep recursion bug in query search |
Item5979 |
add non-alarmist PerlOnRedHatIsSlow detection to configure |
Item6005 |
EditTable changes "label"-formatted cell in unexpected way |
Item6061 |
TWiki::Func::getContext documentation |
Item5939 |
Rogue <p /> below </html> on every topic in every web |
Item6108 |
Add documentation for customising the registration emails |
Item6054 |
No longer possible to have a twisty on one line without linebreak |
Item5176 |
%SCRIPTSUFFIX is added twice in TOC links |
Item6060 |
configure's get more extensions seems to require LWP |
Item6043 |
TWiki::Sandbox::sysCommand leads to errors with Plugins.FastCGIEngineContrib |
Item5991 |
JSCalendarContrib does not work correctly in IE7 |
Item6026 |
With header format emtpy table is initialized with one column only |
Item6050 |
statistics script fails when cuid is not equal login name (as login is whats in the log files...) |
Item6095 |
Registration confirmation page fails to display when user confirmation e-mail can't be sent |
Item5914 |
TWiki::Request::url() must support -rewrite, -absolute and -relative |
Item5852 |
Split out operators into seperate modules, so that extensions can plug in new operators |
Item5994 |
Turn on taint mode in configure and fix the problems |
Item5943 |
TWikiRegistrationAgent should be in Main's ALLOWWEBCHANGE by default |
Item6031 |
TablePlugin date sorting is broken. |
Item2525 |
TablePlugin produces bad links for sorting when using "short" URLs |
Item5957 |
htdigest format password file gets stomped on password or email change/reset |
Item6066 |
MailerContrib makes an assumption that cuid equal loginname |
Item5910 |
%TOC% variable creates links with unecessary query string |
Item5922 |
$formfield data not being displayed in formatted searches |
Item6022 |
%ENCODE{}% treats % as safe character |
Item6062 |
EditTablePlugin destroys verbatim-tags |
Item4875 |
Add javascript function 'makeSafeForTableEntry' |
| <-- Note: Do not use Bugs: interwiki links because interwiki rule might not be defined
--> |