Difference: TWikiSystemRequirements (41 vs. 42)

Revision 422015-11-29 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki System Requirements

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Perl 5.8.0 or higher (5.8.4 or higher is recommended)
RCS 5.7 or higher (including GNU diff)
Optional, TWiki includes a pure Perl implementation of RCS that can be used instead (although it's slower)
GNU diff GNU diff 2.7 or higher is required when not using the all-Perl RcsLite.
Install on PATH if not included with RCS (check version with diff -v)
Must be the version used by RCS, to avoid problems with binary attachments - RCS may have hard-coded path to diff
GNU df Used by the site statistics to record disk usage statistics, optional. The df command is pre-installed on Linux and OS-X. On Windows install the CoreUtils for Windows.
GNU df Used by the site statistics to record disk usage statistics, optional. The df command is pre-installed on Linux and OS-X. On Windows install the CoreUtils for Windows.
GNU patch For upgrades only: GNU patch is required when using the TWiki:Codev.UpgradeTWiki script
GNU fgrep, egrep Modify command line parameters in configure if you use non-GNU grep programs
zip Zip archive command line utility. Used by the BackupRestorePlugin to create and restore from backups.
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  See TWiki:TWiki.HowToInstallCpanModules for detailed information on how to install CPAN libraries
The following Perl CPAN modules are used by TWiki:
The following Perl CPAN modules are used by TWiki:
Module Preferred version Comment
Algorithm::Diff   Included in TWiki distribution
CGI >=3.18 Versions 2.89 and 3.37 must be avoided. Most version from 3.15 and onwards should work.
CGI >=3.18 & <=4.03 A suitable version ships with TWiki since TWiki-6.0.2 using CgiContrib, e.g. it is no longer necessary to install or downgrade this module. Versions 2.89 and 3.37, as well as version > 4.13 must be avoided.
CGI::Carp >=1.26  
Config >=0  
Cwd >=3.05  
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HTML::Parser >=3.28 Needed by the WysiwygPlugin for WYSIWYG editing
HTML::Entities >=1.25 Needed by the WysiwygPlugin for WYSIWYG editing
IO::File >=1.10  
LWP   Needed to install extensions in TWiki configure
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
Text::Diff   Included in TWiki distribution
Time::Local >=1.11  
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Crypt::SMIME >=0.09 Required if S/MIME-signed administrative e-mail is enabled.
JSON >=0 Required if JSON objects are stored and retrieved in SetGetPlugin
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >=0 Used for I18N support
Net::SMTP >=2.29 Used for sending mail
URI   Used for configure
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiSystemRequirements.