Difference: TWikiTipsOfTheDayInclude (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52013-10-25 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiTipsOfTheDayAdmin"

TWiki Tips Of the Day Include

This Page randomly picks a Tip of the day to display. The WebHome includes the part between the horizontal rules.
This Page randomly picks a Tip of the day to display. The WebHome of the TWiki and Sandbox web include the part between the horizontal rules.

Example use:
%INCLUDE{"%SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiTipsOfTheDayInclude" warn="off" noheader="on" }%

The optional noheader="on" suppresses the "TWiki Tip of the Day" header.

 Tip, idea TWiki Tip of the Day
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See also: TWikiTipsOfTheDay, TWikiTipsOfTheDayAdmin

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiTipsOfTheDayInclude.