Difference: TWikiUpgradeGuide (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132012-02-29 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Upgrade Guide

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New Upgrade Option with BackupRestorePlugin

TWiki now as a new solution to backup, restore and upgrade TWiki sites. It can be used via browser and on the command line. The BackupRestorePlugin is pre-installed in TWiki-5.1 and later releases; it can be installed in older TWiki releases as low as TWiki-2001-09-01 (Athens Release) to easily create a backup that can be restored on a new TWiki release. This offers an easy upgrade path for TWiki. The plugin is currently in Beta, check TWiki:Plugins.BackupRestorePlugin for updates.
TWiki now has a new solution to backup, restore and upgrade TWiki sites. It can be used via browser and on the command line. The BackupRestorePlugin is pre-installed in TWiki-5.1 and later releases; it can be installed in older TWiki releases as low as TWiki-2001-09-01 (Athens Release) to easily create a backup that can be restored on a new TWiki release. This offers an easy upgrade path for TWiki. The plugin is currently in Beta, check TWiki:Plugins.BackupRestorePlugin for updates.

Upgrade Procedure

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Install Extensions

  • From TWiki-4.1.0 on the configure script which you ran during installation supports installation of additional plugins.
  • From TWiki-4.1.0 and on, the configure script which you ran during installation supports installation of additional plugins.
  • Manual installation is possible. Follow the instruction on the plugin page at twiki.org.
  • Check the plugin topics from your old TWiki installation. There may be plugin settings that you want to transfer to the new TWiki installation.
    HELP Hint: For an easier upgrade later on, set the plugin preferences settings in the Main.TWikiPreferences topic, not in the plugin topic. To identify the plugin, prefix the name of the setting with the capitalized name of the plugin. For example, to change the DEFAULT_TYPE setting of the CommentPlugin, create a COMMENTPLUGIN_DEFAULT_TYPE setting in Main.TWikiPreferences.
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiUpgradeGuide.