Difference: TWikiUpgradeGuide (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32005-09-22 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Upgrade Guide

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  • Choose a directory for the new installation. I will call this new_twiki. This directory must not already exist.
  • Change directory to distro/ and run:
    ./UpgradeTwiki <full path to existing_twiki's setlib.cfg> <full path to new_twiki>
  • confirm your system settings by pointing your browser to cgi-bin/configure
  • confirm your system settings by pointing your browser to the configure script
  Assuming all goes well, UpgradeTwiki will give you the final instructions.
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    • Clearly you need to point it to a location where there is enough space
    • If you have symlinks under your data/ directory in your existing installation, these are reproduced as actual directories in the new structure. It is up to you to pull these sub-directories out again and re-symlink as needed
  • UpgradeTwiki doesn't deal with custom templates or Plugins, you will have to reinstall these in the new installation.
  • If you are using the Htpasswd login manager, then note that email addresses for users have moved out of user topics and into the password database. There is a script that performs this extra upgrade step for you - see tools/upgrade_emails.pl.
If you use it, and would be kind enough to add your experiences to TWiki:Codev.UpgradeTWiki, it would be much appreciated. The report of your experience will help to make UpgradeTwiki more robust.

Manual Upgrade Procedure

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    1. Install updated plugins into your new area.
  1. Point your webserver at the new install.
  2. Visit TWiki:Codev.KnownIssuesOfTWiki04x00x00 and fix known issues that apply to you.
  1. If you are using the Htpasswd login manager, then note that email addresses for users have moved out of user topics and into the password database. There is a script that performs this extra upgrade step for you - see tools/upgrade_emails.pl.
  You are highly recommended not to change any distributed files if you can avoid it, to simplify future upgrades!
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 If you followed the recommendations and avoided modifying any distributed files, then this is quite straightforward:
  1. Follow the installation instructions, and install the new release in a new directory.
  2. Copy your local webs over to the data and pub directories of the new install
  1. Copy over your bin/setlib.cfg and lib/LocalLib.cfg files
    • Be careful to copy over the user topics and TWikiUsers.txt in the Main web
  1. Copy over your bin/LocalLib.cfg and lib/LocalSite.cfg files
  2. Copy over any local files you created (such as .htpasswd and .htaccess files)
  1. Point your webserver at the new install.
If you changed any of the distributed files, you will have to continue from Step 5 above.
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiUpgradeGuide.