Difference: UserReports (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32015-05-29 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiUserMappingContrib"

TWiki User Reports

 This page contains user reports you can use in TWiki application. Create appealing TWiki applications in a no time!

Reports are of format %USERREPORT{ action="..." ... }%, where the action determines the kind of report. Each report supports additional parameters.

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Revision 22014-10-04 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiUserMappingContrib"

TWiki User Reports

This page is for TWiki application developers. Include the sections on this page to show user reports with profile pictures. Create appealing TWiki applications in a short time.
This page contains user reports you can use in TWiki application. Create appealing TWiki applications in a no time!
Reports are of format %USERREPORT{ action="..." ... }%, where the action determines the kind of report. Each report supports additional parameters.

Section: user_list


Action: user_list

  Show a simple list of registered users. The output is a comma-space delimited sorted list of WikiWords of users (without web prefix), which can be used as input for other reports on this page.
  • Section "user_list": Show a list of users as comma-space delimited list of WikiWords.
  • Action "user_list": Show a list of users as comma-space delimited list of WikiWords.
    • Parameter search: Apply filter by searching all form fields, but not the main topic text. Optional; all users are returned if missing.
    • Parameter limit: Limits the number of users returned. Optional; all users are returned if missing.
    • Parameter sort: Sort the result by the topic name, topic creation date, last modified date, last editor, or named field of TWikiForms. For details see sort parameter of SEARCH.
    • Parameter reverse: Reverse the direction of the search result
This sections also sets a "UserReports_users" variable to the number of users found. To retrieve, write %GET{UserReports_users}%.

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="user_list" search="jane" limit="5" }%

Sample output:

AafiyaKhan, AaronFinch, AaronTetteh, AbhimanyuVerma, AbsoluteDigitizing

This report also sets a "UserReports_users" variable to the number of users found. To retrieve, write %GET{UserReports_users}%.
  • Set limit = 100
%SET{ "UserReports_100_users" value="%SEARCH{
  "META:FORM.*[U]serForm" web="Main" type="regex"
Line: 44 to 36
  format="$topic" separator=", " footer="$percntSET{ \"UserReports_users\" value=\"$ntopics\" }$percnt"
}%" }%AafiyaKhan, AaronFinch, AaronTetteh, AbhimanyuVerma, AbsoluteDigitizing, AdamHebrew, AditiboseDwarka, AjaySharma, AkshatSharma, AlFarajiOil, AlenMicheal, AlexSmith, AlexaThomas, AlfredLucas, AliceAddy, AlicePerrir, AliciaForster, AlinaChopra, AlinaMalik, AlliedVeterans, AlvisMartin, AlyssaHealy, AmaraAndra, AmeeliaBrown, AmyPetit, AndrewHardy, AnilSutar, AnishaPawar, AnjaliBhatt, AnnyBank, AnuSaxena, AnupreetKaur, AnushkaDelhi, AnushkaMahipalpur, AnyaHarmon, AplokoMikolpmm, ApointmediaApointmedia, ArpitaJain, AshelyPatel, AshikaSingh, AshishBairwa, AssignmentExperts, AttwyeeigAttwyeeig, AustinRex, AustraliaescortAustraliaescort, AvivaNixon, AxelSmith, BabatuLili, BarneyStinson, BeesControlPerth, BelaVous55, BestCarpetCleaningBrisbane, BestCarpetCleaningHobart, BestCarpetSteamCleaningMelbourne, BestDigitalMarketingCourse, BestDuctCleaningMelbourne, BestKitchenKnives, BestMovements, BestPestControlHobart, BestPestControlMelbourne, BestPestControlSydney, BestTileAndGroutCleaningBrisbane, BestUpholsteryCleaningMelbourne, BestUpholsteryCleaningPerth, BestassignmentService, BillCamp, BillyCrystal, BinetaAmadouTidianeDIA, BinodKarki, BlessingsNaggayi, BlogSdti, BloggingIdeas, BloggingabBloggingab, BluetreeWeb, BondcleanCo, BrendaZamora, Bull18Cleaners, BusinessByShoutInAustralia, CBDMoversSydney, CaledonianEscapes, CarefulHandsMovers, CarpetCleaningAdelaide, CarpetCleaningBrisbane, CarpetCleaningCoorparoo, CarpetCleaningFortitudeValley, CarpetCleaningMelbourne, CarpetCleaningPerth, CarpetSteamCleaningNarangba, CarterSofia, CheapEssay, ChempaFrancis, ChoongChai, ChrisGreenwalty, ChristenMulle, CindyWen, Cinoci6414Cinoci6414, ClarkThomas, ConcordeSkipBin, CouchCleaningBrisbane, CpuomgicCpuomgic

Section: profile_picture

Usage example:
%USERREPORT{ action="user_list" search="jane" limit="5" }%

Sample output:
AafiyaKhan, AaronFinch, AaronTetteh, AbhimanyuVerma, AbsoluteDigitizing

Action: profile_picture

  Show the profile picture image of a user. A default image is returned in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user. The output is an <img /> tag that can be embedded in other tags such as links.
  • Section "profile_picture": Show the profile picture image of a user.
  • Action "profile_picture": Show the profile picture image of a user.
    • Parameter user: WikiWord of user, required.
    • Parameter width: Width of image, optional.
    • Parameter height: Height of image, optional. The aspect ratio is preserved unless width and height are specified. If width and height are missing, a height of 100 pixels is used.
Line: 67 to 70
 Sample output:
  AafiyaKhan   AaronFinch   AaronTetteh   AbhimanyuVerma   AbsoluteDigitizing
  AafiyaKhan   AaronFinch   AaronTetteh   AbhimanyuVerma   AbsoluteDigitizing

Line: 76 to 79

Section: user_sig


Action: user_sig

  Show a user signature with profile picture, optionally followed by a date or other text. A default image is shown in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user.
  • Section "user_sig": Show a user signature with profile picture.
  • Action "user_sig": Show a user signature with profile picture.
    • Parameter user: WikiWord of user, required. Optionally followed by a date or other text.
    • Parameter width: Width of image, optional.
    • Parameter height: Height of image, optional. The aspect ratio is preserved unless width and height are specified. If width and height are missing, a height of 18 pixels is used.
Line: 109 to 112

Section: bubble_sig


Action: bubble_sig

  Show a faded comment bubble and user signature with profile picture, optionally followed by a date or other text. A default image is shown in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user. This is used for CommentPlugin signatures.
  • Section "bubble_sig": Show a user signature with profile picture.
  • Action "bubble_sig": Show a user signature with profile picture.
    • Parameter user: WikiWord of user, required. Optionally followed by a date or other text.

In addition, a BUBBLESIG preferences setting is defined as a shortcut, so that a simple %BUBBLESIG{TWikiGuest}% can be used.

Line: 144 to 147

Section: slim_box


Action: slim_box

Slim box example
Show slim, one line height user boxes. Several sections are provided:
Show slim, one line height user boxes. Several actions are provided:
  • Section "slim_box_css": Defines the style sheets of the slim boxes. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "slim_box_start" section if needed.
  • Section "slim_box_start": Defines the start of a set of slim boxes.
  • Action "slim_box_css": Defines the style sheets of the slim boxes. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "slim_box_start" action if needed.
  • Action "slim_box_start": Defines the start of a set of slim boxes.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of slim boxes. Default: padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color:#f0f0f4;.
  • Section "slim_box": Show a single slim box.
  • Action "slim_box": Show a single slim box.
    • Parameter user: Specify the WikiWord of a single user.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the slim box. Default: float: left; width: 130px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #f8f8fb;.
  • Section "slim_box_list": Show a set of slim boxes.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" section.
    • Parameter style: Optional, same as section "slim_box".
  • Section "slim_box_end": Defines the end of a set of slim boxes.
  • Action "slim_box_list": Show a set of slim boxes.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action.
    • Parameter style: Optional, same as action "slim_box".
  • Action "slim_box_end": Defines the end of a set of slim boxes.
  Usage example:

Line: 177 to 180
Line: 195 to 198

Section: small_box


Action: small_box

Small box example
Show small, two line height user boxes. Several sections are provided:
Show small, two line height user boxes. Several actions are provided:
  • Section "small_box_css": Defines the style sheets of the small boxes. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "small_box_start" section if needed.
  • Section "small_box_start": Defines the start of a set of small boxes.
  • Action "small_box_css": Defines the style sheets of the small boxes. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "small_box_start" action if needed.
  • Action "small_box_start": Defines the start of a set of small boxes.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of small boxes. Default: padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color:#f0f0f4;.
  • Section "small_box": Show a single small box.
  • Action "small_box": Show a single small box.
    • Parameter user: Specify the WikiWord of a single user.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the small box. Default: float: left; width: 130px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #f8f8fb;.
  • Section "small_box_list": Show a set of small boxes.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" section.
    • Parameter style: Optional, same as section "small_box".
  • Section "small_box_end": Defines the end of a set of small boxes.
  • Action "small_box_list": Show a set of small boxes.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action.
    • Parameter style: Optional, same as action "small_box".
  • Action "small_box_end": Defines the end of a set of small boxes.
  Usage example:

Line: 228 to 231
Line: 246 to 249

Section: business_card


Action: business_card

Business card example
Show users in business card format. Several sections are provided:
Show users in business card format. Several actions are provided:
  • Section "business_card_css": Defines the style sheets of the business cards. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "business_card_start" section if needed.
  • Section "business_card_start": Defines the start of a set of business cards.
  • Action "business_card_css": Defines the style sheets of the business cards. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "business_card_start" action if needed.
  • Action "business_card_start": Defines the start of a set of business cards.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of business cards. Default: padding:10px 15px 1px 15px; background-color:#f0f0f4;.
  • Section "business_card": Show a single business card.
  • Action "business_card": Show a single business card.
    • Parameter user: Specify the WikiWord of a single user.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the business card. Default: float: left; width: 410px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #fff;.
  • Section "business_card_list": Show a set of business cards.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" section.
    • Parameter style: Optional, same as section "business_card".
  • Section "business_card_end": Defines the end of a set of business cards.
  • Action "business_card_list": Show a set of business cards.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action.
    • Parameter style: Optional, same as action "business_card".
  • Action "business_card_end": Defines the end of a set of business cards.
  Usage examples:

Line: 277 to 280
  Sample output:
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Line: 442 to 445

Section: select_one_user


Action: select_one_user

  Show a selector to pick a user, for use in HTML forms.
  • Section "select_one_user": Selector to pick a user.
  • Action "select_one_user": Selector to pick a user.
    • Parameter name: Name of form field, required.
    • Parameter selected: WikiWord name of a user, optional.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users, optional. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" section. All registered users are shown if the parameter is missing.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users, optional. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action. All registered users are shown if the parameter is missing.
    • Parameter firstoption: Label of first option, optional. Default: Select...
    • Parameter firstvalue: Value of first option, optional. Default: empty value
Line: 462 to 465
  Sample output:

Line: 471 to 474

Section: select_users


Action: select_users

Select users example
Show rows of checkboxes to select users, for use in HTML forms.
  • Section "select_users": Set of checkboxes to select users.
  • Action "select_users": Set of checkboxes to select users.
    • Parameter name: Name of form field, required.
    • Parameter selected: List of WikiWord names indicating the selected users, optional.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users, optional. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" section. All registered users are shown if the parameter is missing.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users, optional. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action. All registered users are shown if the parameter is missing.
    • Parameter colums: Define number of columns, optional. Default: 5
    • Parameter style: Set the css of the container div, optional. Default: margin: 0; border: 1px solid transparent;
Line: 494 to 497
  Sample output:



Line: 506 to 509
 Note to Maintainer:

  • This topic has user report sections intended for TWiki application developers.
  • This topic uses more user friendly ParameterizedVariables %USERREPORT{ action="..." ... }% instead of the more verbose parameterized include %INCLUDE{ "%SYSTEMWEB%.UserReports" section="..." ... }%.
  • This topic uses more user friendly ParameterizedVariables %USERREPORT{ action="foo" ... }% instead of the more verbose parameterized include %INCLUDE{ "%SYSTEMWEB%.UserReports" section="foo" ... }%.

Related topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserList, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, VarUSERREPORT, TWikiUserMappingContrib

-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 2013-02-06
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 2014-10-04
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="business-card-example.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1338678337" name="business-card-example.png" path="business-card-example.png" size="42890" user="TWikiContributor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="faded-bubble.png" attr="h" comment="Faded bubble for BUBBLESIG comments" date="1360196652" name="faded-bubble.png" path="faded-bubble.png" size="12985" user="TWikiContributor" version="1"

Revision 12013-10-12 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiUserMappingContrib"

TWiki User Reports

This page is for TWiki application developers. Include the sections on this page to show user reports with profile pictures. Create appealing TWiki applications in a short time.

Section: user_list

Show a simple list of registered users. The output is a comma-space delimited sorted list of WikiWords of users (without web prefix), which can be used as input for other reports on this page.

  • Section "user_list": Show a list of users as comma-space delimited list of WikiWords.
    • Parameter search: Apply filter by searching all form fields, but not the main topic text. Optional; all users are returned if missing.
    • Parameter limit: Limits the number of users returned. Optional; all users are returned if missing.
    • Parameter sort: Sort the result by the topic name, topic creation date, last modified date, last editor, or named field of TWikiForms. For details see sort parameter of SEARCH.
    • Parameter reverse: Reverse the direction of the search result

This sections also sets a "UserReports_users" variable to the number of users found. To retrieve, write %GET{UserReports_users}%.

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="user_list" search="jane" limit="5" }%

Sample output:

AafiyaKhan, AaronFinch, AaronTetteh, AbhimanyuVerma, AbsoluteDigitizing

AafiyaKhan, AaronFinch, AaronTetteh, AbhimanyuVerma, AbsoluteDigitizing, AdamHebrew, AditiboseDwarka, AjaySharma, AkshatSharma, AlFarajiOil, AlenMicheal, AlexSmith, AlexaThomas, AlfredLucas, AliceAddy, AlicePerrir, AliciaForster, AlinaChopra, AlinaMalik, AlliedVeterans, AlvisMartin, AlyssaHealy, AmaraAndra, AmeeliaBrown, AmyPetit, AndrewHardy, AnilSutar, AnishaPawar, AnjaliBhatt, AnnyBank, AnuSaxena, AnupreetKaur, AnushkaDelhi, AnushkaMahipalpur, AnyaHarmon, AplokoMikolpmm, ApointmediaApointmedia, ArpitaJain, AshelyPatel, AshikaSingh, AshishBairwa, AssignmentExperts, AttwyeeigAttwyeeig, AustinRex, AustraliaescortAustraliaescort, AvivaNixon, AxelSmith, BabatuLili, BarneyStinson, BeesControlPerth, BelaVous55, BestCarpetCleaningBrisbane, BestCarpetCleaningHobart, BestCarpetSteamCleaningMelbourne, BestDigitalMarketingCourse, BestDuctCleaningMelbourne, BestKitchenKnives, BestMovements, BestPestControlHobart, BestPestControlMelbourne, BestPestControlSydney, BestTileAndGroutCleaningBrisbane, BestUpholsteryCleaningMelbourne, BestUpholsteryCleaningPerth, BestassignmentService, BillCamp, BillyCrystal, BinetaAmadouTidianeDIA, BinodKarki, BlessingsNaggayi, BlogSdti, BloggingIdeas, BloggingabBloggingab, BluetreeWeb, BondcleanCo, BrendaZamora, Bull18Cleaners, BusinessByShoutInAustralia, CBDMoversSydney, CaledonianEscapes, CarefulHandsMovers, CarpetCleaningAdelaide, CarpetCleaningBrisbane, CarpetCleaningCoorparoo, CarpetCleaningFortitudeValley, CarpetCleaningMelbourne, CarpetCleaningPerth, CarpetSteamCleaningNarangba, CarterSofia, CheapEssay, ChempaFrancis, ChoongChai, ChrisGreenwalty, ChristenMulle, CindyWen, Cinoci6414Cinoci6414, ClarkThomas, ConcordeSkipBin, CouchCleaningBrisbane, CpuomgicCpuomgic

Section: profile_picture

Show the profile picture image of a user. A default image is returned in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user. The output is an <img /> tag that can be embedded in other tags such as links.

  • Section "profile_picture": Show the profile picture image of a user.
    • Parameter user: WikiWord of user, required.
    • Parameter width: Width of image, optional.
    • Parameter height: Height of image, optional. The aspect ratio is preserved unless width and height are specified. If width and height are missing, a height of 100 pixels is used.
    • Parameter title: Title parameter of img tag, optional.

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="profile_picture" user="TWikiGuest" height="40" title="TWikiGuest" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="profile_picture" user="AmandaBoris" height="40" title="AmandaBoris" }%

Sample output:
TWikiGuest   AafiyaKhan   AaronFinch   AaronTetteh   AbhimanyuVerma   AbsoluteDigitizing


Section: user_sig

Show a user signature with profile picture, optionally followed by a date or other text. A default image is shown in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user.

  • Section "user_sig": Show a user signature with profile picture.
    • Parameter user: WikiWord of user, required. Optionally followed by a date or other text.
    • Parameter width: Width of image, optional.
    • Parameter height: Height of image, optional. The aspect ratio is preserved unless width and height are specified. If width and height are missing, a height of 18 pixels is used.

In addition, a USERSIG preferences setting is defined as a shortcut, so that a simple %USERSIG{TWikiGuest}% can be used.

Usage example:

-- %USERREPORT{ action="user_sig" user="TWikiGuest - 2024-12-21" }%

-- %USERSIG{TWikiGuest}%

-- %USERSIG{TWikiGuest - 2024-12-21}%

Sample output:
-- TWiki Guest - 2024-12-21

-- TWiki Guest

-- TWiki Guest - 2024-12-21


Section: bubble_sig

Show a faded comment bubble and user signature with profile picture, optionally followed by a date or other text. A default image is shown in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user. This is used for CommentPlugin signatures.

  • Section "bubble_sig": Show a user signature with profile picture.
    • Parameter user: WikiWord of user, required. Optionally followed by a date or other text.

In addition, a BUBBLESIG preferences setting is defined as a shortcut, so that a simple %BUBBLESIG{TWikiGuest}% can be used.

Usage example:

Test comment using USERREPORT

-- %USERREPORT{ action="bubble_sig" user="TWikiGuest - 2024-12-21" }%

Test comment using BUBBLESIG

-- %BUBBLESIG{TWikiGuest - 2024-12-21}%

Sample output:
Test comment using USERREPORT

-- TWiki Guest - 2024-12-21

Test comment using BUBBLESIG

-- TWiki Guest - 2024-12-21


Section: slim_box

Slim box example
Show slim, one line height user boxes. Several sections are provided:

  • Section "slim_box_css": Defines the style sheets of the slim boxes. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "slim_box_start" section if needed.
  • Section "slim_box_start": Defines the start of a set of slim boxes.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of slim boxes. Default: padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color:#f0f0f4;.
  • Section "slim_box": Show a single slim box.
    • Parameter user: Specify the WikiWord of a single user.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the slim box. Default: float: left; width: 130px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #f8f8fb;.
  • Section "slim_box_list": Show a set of slim boxes.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" section.
    • Parameter style: Optional, same as section "slim_box".
  • Section "slim_box_end": Defines the end of a set of slim boxes.

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_start" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box" user="TWikiGuest" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box" user="JaneSmith" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_end" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_end" }%

Sample output:


Section: small_box

Small box example
Show small, two line height user boxes. Several sections are provided:

  • Section "small_box_css": Defines the style sheets of the small boxes. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "small_box_start" section if needed.
  • Section "small_box_start": Defines the start of a set of small boxes.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of small boxes. Default: padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color:#f0f0f4;.
  • Section "small_box": Show a single small box.
    • Parameter user: Specify the WikiWord of a single user.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the small box. Default: float: left; width: 130px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #f8f8fb;.
  • Section "small_box_list": Show a set of small boxes.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" section.
    • Parameter style: Optional, same as section "small_box".
  • Section "small_box_end": Defines the end of a set of small boxes.

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="small_box_start" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="small_box" user="TWikiGuest" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="small_box" user="JaneSmith" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="small_box_end" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="small_box_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="small_box_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="small_box_end" }%

Sample output:


Section: business_card

Business card example
Show users in business card format. Several sections are provided:

  • Section "business_card_css": Defines the style sheets of the business cards. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "business_card_start" section if needed.
  • Section "business_card_start": Defines the start of a set of business cards.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of business cards. Default: padding:10px 15px 1px 15px; background-color:#f0f0f4;.
  • Section "business_card": Show a single business card.
    • Parameter user: Specify the WikiWord of a single user.
    • Parameter style: Optional, overrides the css of the business card. Default: float: left; width: 410px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #fff;.
  • Section "business_card_list": Show a set of business cards.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" section.
    • Parameter style: Optional, same as section "business_card".
  • Section "business_card_end": Defines the end of a set of business cards.

Usage examples:

%USERREPORT{ action="business_card_start" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="business_card" user="TWikiGuest" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="business_card" user="JaneSmith" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="business_card_end" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="business_card_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }%
  %USERREPORT{ action="business_card_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }%
%USERREPORT{ action="business_card_end" }%

Sample output:

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Section: select_one_user

Show a selector to pick a user, for use in HTML forms.

  • Section "select_one_user": Selector to pick a user.
    • Parameter name: Name of form field, required.
    • Parameter selected: WikiWord name of a user, optional.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users, optional. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" section. All registered users are shown if the parameter is missing.
    • Parameter firstoption: Label of first option, optional. Default: Select...
    • Parameter firstvalue: Value of first option, optional. Default: empty value

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="select_one_user" name="Owner" selected="TWikiGuest" }%

Sample output:


Section: select_users

Select users example
Show rows of checkboxes to select users, for use in HTML forms.

  • Section "select_users": Set of checkboxes to select users.
    • Parameter name: Name of form field, required.
    • Parameter selected: List of WikiWord names indicating the selected users, optional.
    • Parameter users: Specify a list of WikiWords of users, optional. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" section. All registered users are shown if the parameter is missing.
    • Parameter colums: Define number of columns, optional. Default: 5
    • Parameter style: Set the css of the container div, optional. Default: margin: 0; border: 1px solid transparent;

Usage example:

%USERREPORT{ action="select_users" name="Members" selected="TWikiGuest, AmandaBoris" }%

Sample output:



Note to Maintainer:

  • This topic has user report sections intended for TWiki application developers.
  • This topic uses more user friendly ParameterizedVariables %USERREPORT{ action="..." ... }% instead of the more verbose parameterized include %INCLUDE{ "%SYSTEMWEB%.UserReports" section="..." ... }%.
  • If you add a section to this topic, or add a parameter to a section, make sure to keep the parameterized variables settings in TWikiPreferences#ParameterizedVariables in sync.

Related topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserList, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, VarUSERREPORT, TWikiUserMappingContrib

-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 2013-02-06

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="small-box-example.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1343433327" name="small-box-example.png" path="small-box-example.png" size="28290" user="TWikiContributor" version="2"
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