---+ AFNOG workshop during the AIS conference 2018 in Dakar in the workshop on<b> !IoT sensors </b>during the AIS conference 2018 we intended to show how a typical IoT node accesses sensors. To demonstrate this a color sensor and an ultra-sonic distance sensor were used as example and a virtual world was created in which a colored paper was shown in the color of the real paper in front of the color sensor and at the correct distance from the distance sensor as in the real world. During the workshop the students built this system on their own during hands-on exercise sessions. Python was used as programming language. * [[Description of the Virtual World Example]] * [[HardwareOptions][Hardware options]] * [[DevicesNeeded][Devices needed]] * [[AccessingTheRaspberryPi][Accessing the Raspberry Pi]] * [[RGBLEDs][RGB LEDs]] * [[Ultra-sonicSensor][Ultra -sonic sensor]] * [[ColourSensor][Colour sensor]] * [[Creating the Virtual World]] * [[Combining Virtual and Real World]] * [[Slides][slides]] * [[Exercises][exercises]] -- %USERSIG{UliRaich - 2019-02-12}% ---++ Comments %COMMENT%
This topic: AFNOG
Topic revision: r3 - 2019-03-20 - UliRaich
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