The IoT network

The Internet

Iot stands for the Internet of Things. It consists of a collection of nodes communicating with each other over the Internet. Each node therefore needs:

  • a processor to run Internet software
  • access to the Internet through an interface
The internet interface can be
  • an Ethernet interface
  • WiFi
  • and, not to forget, a gateway, where the processor does not have direct access to the Internet but can communicate with another machine, the gateway, which does have Internet access. The gateway will then receive messages from the processor through other means like a serial interface, BlueTooth or LoRaWan (when long distances must be bridged) and pass them on to the Internet.

The Things

While usually the Internet is used by humans to get at information (the WEB) or to communicate with other humans through social media, chats, Skype etc. in IoT the Internet is used by "things" to communicate with each other without human intervention.

-- Uli Raich - 2019-03-03


This topic: AFNOG > WebHome > AFNOGWorkshop2019 > TheNopIoTNetwork
Topic revision: r2 - 2019-04-03 - UliRaich
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