---+ Exercise List Here is a list of exercises to be solved during the course on emdedded systems. First we play on the Linux system installed on the PC, then we write a few simple C programs and their associated Makefiles before exploring the Raspberry Pi and its tools. Finally we have a look at libraries that allow us to easily interface external hardware. A bread board is used to set up small electronic circuits with sensors and actuators that allow us to acquire data like * temperature, humidity air pressure in digital or analogue form * read any kind of electric signal through analogue to digital conversion * time * motor speed and angular position * read switch positions * EEPROMS or control * LEDs * motors * displays etc. To my knowledge 2 libraries giving access to the GPIO pins and the I2C and SPI busses: <a href="http://wiringpi.com/" title="wiringpi">wiringpi</a> and <a href="http://abyz.co.uk/rpi/pigpio/" title="pigpio">pigpio</a>. I had a look at both libraries and find pigpio more complete. This library comes in 2 versions: Either you can directly access the hardware through pigpio calls, in which case you must be the root user, or you can (as root user) start the pigpiod daemon and the communicate with it (as normal user) through a socket interface. Since sockets can run over the network you can also run your program on your PC and use the daemon on the Raspberry Pi only to access the hardware. Here is the list of exercises: * LinuxSystem * ProgrammingExercise * RaspberryPi * LedDisplay * [[Switches]] * DigitalTemperature * TemperatureHumidity * LightMeasurement * TemperatureAndAirPressure * The [[LCD Display]] * [[Analogue to Digital Conversion]] * RealTimeClock * [[I2C EEProm]] -- %USERSIG{UliRaich - 2017-01-03}% ---++ Comments %COMMENT%
This topic: Embedded_Systems
Topic revision: r4 - 2017-04-06 - uli
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