Sensor Kit

The sensor kit contains 37 different types of sensors and actuators. For most of these one can find example applications in either the wiringpi of the pigpio libraries. The description of the devices in the Kit documentation however is either very bad (Google translation from Chinese to English, which is totally incomprehensible) or simply non-existing. What is missing most are schematic drawings showing the electronic layout of the circuit boards. We try to remedy these problems here.

Here are photos of the kit

kitbox_closed.png kitbox_open.png
The sensor kit is a rather complete set of different types of LEDs, switches, a relay, buzzer, analog and digital sensors to measure
  • temperature

  • humidity

  • magnetic field


We group the devices into groups of similar types and describe these:

-- Uli Raich - 2017-01-03


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted descending Comment
PNGpng kitbox_closed.png r1 manage 705.7 K 2017-01-08 - 16:51 UnknownUser box of the sensor kit closed
PNGpng kitbox_open.png r1 manage 1718.3 K 2017-01-08 - 16:52 UnknownUser box of the sensor kit open

This topic: Embedded_Systems > WebHome > SensorKit
Topic revision: r2 - 2017-01-08 - uli
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