Exercises on dust sensors

Exercise 1: The Plantower sensor

The Plantower sensor comes with a flat cable with alternating red and black color. I soldered a female Dupont cable to its end. The colors in the table below correspond to the colors of my Dupont cable.

Pin 1 is on the right-hand side of the connector on the sensor.



PlanTower Pin !WeMos bus color of Dupont cable
1: Vcc 5V green
2: GND GND blue
3: set nc violet
4: Rx D2: GPIO 22 gray
5: Tx D1_ GPIO 21 white
6: RESET RST black
7: nc    
Connect the Plantower sensor to the ESP32 according to the table above. Create a serial connection on UART 2 with rx on pin 22 and tx on pin 21.

Read messages from the Plantower sensor and print them.

Exercise 2:

Write a function decoding the message.

  • Make sure to find the start characters.
  • Get the frame length and print it.
  • Calculate the checksum and print it together with the checksum in the message. Compare them and make sure they are equal
  • Print the measurement results
-- Uli Raich - 2022-09-09


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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng plantowerConnector.png r1 manage 1330.7 K 2022-09-10 - 14:35 UliRaich  

This topic: IoT_Course_English > WebHome > Exercises > AirQuality
Topic revision: r2 - 2022-09-10 - UliRaich
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