Dust Sensors


In order to measure air pollution dust sensors play an important role. They are often based on an optical system where light, scattered on dust particles is measured. I have 3 different sensors which should allow me to compare results:

pms5003_dust_sensor.png ppd42nj_dust_sensor.png gp2y101au0f_dust_sensor.png

The Plantower PMS5003 sensor

The pinout table for the PMS5003 is given below (the colors correspond to my cable and yours may well differ)

Pin number 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
signification nc nc reset (active low) Tx (3.3V level) Rx (3.3V level set pin (3.3V or open: normal working status) Gnd Vcc: 5V
on ESP32     D0: GPIO 26 D1: GPIO 22 D2: GPIO 21 n.c. Gnd 5V
cable color n.c. n.c. black gray white violet (n.c.) blue green
-- Uli Raich - 2021-01-28


Topic attachments
I Attachment History ActionSorted descending Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng gp2y101au0f_dust_sensor.png r1 manage 142.6 K 2021-01-29 - 17:00 UliRaich  
PNGpng pms5003_dust_sensor.png r1 manage 261.3 K 2021-01-29 - 17:00 UliRaich  
PNGpng pms5003dust_pinout.png r1 manage 140.6 K 2021-01-28 - 20:11 UliRaich  
PNGpng ppd42nj_dust_sensor.png r1 manage 86.0 K 2021-01-29 - 17:00 UliRaich  

This topic: IoT_Course_English > WebHome > Exercises > DustSensors
Topic revision: r4 - 2021-01-29 - UliRaich
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