Exercise 1: REPL and standard Python programming


The goal of these exercises is to bring your Python programming skills to a level needed for the rest of the course.

Course on Internet of Things

Exercises Session 1:

Exercise 1:

Connect to your ESP32 with minicom or thonny.

Using REPL:

  • print “Hello World!”

  • read in a text using input() and print it

  • Calculate


  • Calculate sin(30°)
    If you see errors, how do you correct them? Are the results correct?

Exercise 2:

Write a script that assigns the values 5 and 3 to the variables a and b respectively

Print the results of 4 basic arithmetic operations:

  • a+b

  • a-b

  • a*b

  • a/b

Which result do you observe for division? Can you correct?

Improve this program asking the user to enter 2 integers separated by a space. If this happens when the user mistypes and enters something that is not an integer can you capture the error and simply ask him to repeat his input until you get 2 correct integer numbers?

Exercise 1:

Connect to your ESP32 with minicom or thonny.

Using REPL:

  • print “Hello World!”

  • read in a text using input() and print it

  • Calculate

  • Calculate sin(30°)
    If you see errors, how do you correct them? Are the results correct?

Exercise 2:

Write a script that assigns the values 5 and 3 to the variables a and b respectively

Print the results of 4 basic arithmetic operations:

  • a+b

  • a-b

  • a*b

  • a/b

Which result do you observe for division? Can you correct?

Improve this program asking the user to enter 2 integers separated by a space. What happens when the user mistypes and enters something that is not an integer?

Can you capture the error and simply ask him to repeat his input until you get 2 correct integer numbers?

Exercise 3:

Ask the user for 2 integer numbers. Check with one is bigger and print the result:

Running the program should result in output as shown below:

Exercise 3:

Ask the user for 2 integer numbers. Check with one is bigger and print the result:

Running the program should result in output as shown below:

-- Uli Raich - 2020-05-03


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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng calculations.png r1 manage 2.3 K 2020-05-03 - 09:22 UliRaich  
PNGpng conversionError.png r1 manage 19.3 K 2020-05-03 - 09:22 UliRaich  
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