TFT Displays
A wide range of displays is available for use with the Arduino system. These displays are based on different controller chips and exist for a large range of resolutions. Examples are:
- 64x48 pixel 0.96" TFT screen with SSD1306 controller. The SSD1306 uses the I2C bus
- 128x128 pixel 1.4" display based on the ST7735 controller. The ST7735 uses the SPI bus
- 320x240 pixel 2.4" display based on the ILI9341 display and the XPT2046 touch controller.
64x48 pixels with SSD3306 |
128x128 with ST7735 |
320x240 pixel touch screen with ILI9341 |
Article text.
Uli Raich - 2020-07-04
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Topic revision: r1 - 2020-07-04 - UliRaich