The T-Watch 2020 hardware devices
The LilyGo t-watch 2020 is a smart watch, based on the ESP32, which you must program yourself. If you want a fully functional smart watch with analogue and digital time display, step counter ...
then do not buy the t-watch 2020!
If however you want to find out how to create your own smart watch with BliueTooth and Internet connectivity using C or MicroPython programming
then do buy the t-watch!
The t-watch 2020 features:
- a dual core ESP32 CPU with BlueTooth and WiFi interfaces
- 16 MBytes of psram
- a BMA423
three-axis accelerometer
- a MAX98357a
I2S audio amplifier
- a AXP202
power management unit
- a 240x240 TFT screen controlled by a ST7789V
display controller
- a touch screen controlled by a FT6236U
touch screen controller
- it supports IR control, a vibration motor
The pinouts can be found at
Here is a photo of the watch. The program shown on the display is
not supplied.
Software examining the T-Watch 2020 hardware
The programs described in this section are available on github:
I2C devices
There are 2 I2C buses on the t-watch. To find out which devices are connected to these buses we can use i2cScanBus[0 or 1].py.
The I2C buses use the following connections:
I2C bus 0 |
I2C bus 1 |
GPIO 22 |
GPIO 32 |
GPIO 21 |
GPIO 23 |
Here is the result:
and here is a table relating the I2C addresses to the slave devices:
!I2C slave address |
!I2C device |
I2C bus 0: 0x35 |
AXP202 Power System Management |
I2C bus 0:0x19 |
BMA432 Triaxial Acceleration Sensor |
I2C bus 0:0x51 |
PCF8563 Real-time Clock and Calendar |
I2C bus 1:0x38 |
FT6236U Touch Screen Controller |
Drivers for the T-Watch hardware:
Some time ago a custom version of MicroPython integrating lvgl and all drivers needed to drive the t-watch devices was published on
. I got the drivers below , except of the I2S driver, from this source.
Uli Raich - 2021-01-08