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Links |
TWiki home with users and groups for access control |
TWiki documentation, welcome guest and user registration |
Description of AFNOG tutorials |
Embedded Systems Cours with Raspberry Pi (C language) |
IoT course in English (Python) |
Cours IoT en français (Python) |
Sandbox web to experiment in an open hands-on area |
Webs are color-coded for identification and reference. Contact iotworkshop.africa@gmail.com if you need a workspace web for your team. |
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TWiki.Main Web:
TWiki.TWiki Web:
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- If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration tool, please visit WelcomeGuest in the TWiki.TWiki web first.
This topic: Main
> WebHome
Topic revision: r17 - 2002-04-07 - PeterThoeny