---+!! <nop>%WEB% Web Preferences The following settings are __web preferences__ of the [[%WEB%.%HOMETOPIC%][%WEB%]] web. These preferences overwrite the __site-level preferences__ in [[%TWIKIWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC%]] and [[%LOCALSITEPREFS%]], and can be overwritten by __user preferences__ (your personal topic, eg: %MAINWEB%.TWikiGuest in the [[%MAINWEB%.%HOMETOPIC%][%MAINWEB%]] web). %TOC% ---++ Web Preferences Settings These settings override the defaults for this web only. See [[%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences#DefaultWebPreferences][full list of defaults with explanation]]. * Web settings: * Set WEBTOPICLIST = [[%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%][Users]] %SEP% [[TWikiGroups][Groups]] %SEP% [[WebChanges][Changes]] %SEP% [[WebIndex][Index]] %SEP% [[WebSearch][Search]] %SEP% Go <input type="text" name="topic" size="16" /> * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #FFEFA6 * Set SITEMAPWHAT = Welcome to <nop>%WIKITOOLNAME%... [[%WEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%][Users]], [[%WEB%.TWikiGroups][Groups]] * Set SITEMAPUSETO = ...see who is registered on this TWiki * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * Default template for *new topics* for this web: * WebTopicEditTemplate: Default template for new topics in this web. (Site-level is used if topic does not exist) * [[%TWIKIWEB%.WebTopicEditTemplate]]: Site-level default topic template * Comma separated list of *forms* that can be attached to topics in this web. See %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiForms for more information. * Set WEBFORMS = UserForm * Users or groups who __are not__ / __are__ allowed to __view__ / __change__ / __rename__ topics in the <nop>%WEB% web: (See %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiAccessControl). Remove the # to enable any of these settings. Remember that an empty setting is a valid setting; setting DENYWEBVIEW to nothing means that anyone can view the web. * #Set DENYWEBVIEW = * #Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = * #Set DENYWEBCHANGE = * #Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup * #Set DENYWEBRENAME = * #Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup * Users or groups allowed to change or rename this <nop>%TOPIC% topic: (e.g., %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup) * #Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup * Web preferences that are *not* allowed to be overridden by user or topic preferences: * Set FINALPREFERENCES = NOSEARCHALL, ATTACHFILESIZELIMIT, WIKIWEBMASTER, WEBCOPYRIGHT, WEBTOPICLIST, DENYWEBVIEW, ALLOWWEBVIEW, DENYWEBCHANGE, ALLOWWEBCHANGE, DENYWEBRENAME, ALLOWWEBRENAME %INCLUDE{%TWIKIWEB%.WebPreferencesHelp}%
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Topic revision: r21 - 2005-03-27 - TWikiContributor
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