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Backlinks to AnalogueSignals in all Webs (Search AFNOG Web only)

Results from AFNOG web retrieved at 10:31 (GMT)

The African School of Fundamental Physics Introduction Courses on experimental physics are very scarce in Africa. When talking to African professors, I always hear...
Building a simple Weather Station Intoduction Up to now we have only used simlated sensors (the push button for digital signals and the potentiometer for analogue...
Exercises First exercise session: A bit of programming Connect your ESP32 to the PC using the micro USB cable and start thonny. Locate the shell window and check...
Hardware access, the General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins. Running the programs on the PC Up to now, all programs we have written can be executed on the ESP...
Lecture notes Summary: Introduction (this page) Communicating with the ESP32 First Python Programs Modules and Timing Hardware...
Statistics for AFNOG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
Number of topics: 6

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