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AFNOG 2019 slides Workshop slides Setting up an IoT Workshop exercises The hands on exercises Talk What is IoT? Comments
Exercises for session1: Introduction to IoT and Python Exercise 1: Write a program that calculates and prints the Fibonacci numbers up to 20 iterations. The...
Exercises for session 2: Hardware access and Micropython Exercise 1: Connect to Micropython using a terminal emulator. Import the machine package: import machine...
Exercises for session 3: MQTT and Cayenne Exercise 1: Install mosquitto on your machine. On Ubuntu Linux this can very easily be accomplished with apt. On Windows...
Exercise 1: Go through the tutorial on mqtt api/#cayenne mqtt api manually publishing subscribing in section `Manually...
Statistics for AFNOG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
Number of topics: 6