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Backlinks to TheUCCOpenDay in all Webs (Search Embedded_Systems Web only)

Results from Embedded_Systems web retrieved at 07:23 (GMT)

Name display It is always nice to have a demo where the visitor can become active himself. For this reason we prepared a demo in which the visitor will type his name...
A meteorological station. We have 2 PCBs in our sensor collection for use in a meteorological station: The BMP180 atmospheric pressure sensor, which can also measure...
Stepping Motor The Raspberry Pi`s GPIO pins can also be used to generate the signals needed for the different phases of a stepping motors. Driving a stepping motor...
Traffic light simulator The Raspberry Pi (see Raspberry Pi Description ) is the embedded system we use for our course. It can connect to the outside world through...
Voltmeter The 2 line LCD display controlled by a HD44780 LCD controller can be used for a number of small projects. Here we use it to display the voltage drop...
Statistics for Embedded Systems Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
Number of topics: 6

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