Difference: HardwareAccessGPIO (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52022-10-23 - UliRaich

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META TOPICPARENT name="MinimalLectures"

Hardware access, the General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins.

Running the programs on the PC

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 The connection of digital input or output signals is made through General Purpose Input Output pins. These pins can be programmed to output (control) a signal level or to input (acquire) a signal level.

The base board and the back of the CPU card look like this (the pins on the ESP32 CPU are mirrored with respect to the base board):

The triple base board rThe back of the ESP32 CPU board
The triple base board The back of the ESP32 CPU board
tripleBase.png esp32_back.png
As you can see, the pins on the triple board are marked
As you can see, the pins on the triple board are marked, as are the ones on the ESP32 COU board. Please note that the pins on the CPU card are mirrored.
Left Column on triple base Left Column on CPU board (GPIO) Right Column on triple base Right Column on CPU board (GPIO)
<-- -->
RST (Reset) RST Tx TXD
A0 (ADC) SVP (IO36) Rx RXD
Line: 72 to 74
  I think we are ready for another exercise session ExerciseSheets#ThirdSession
In the next step, we will read analogue signal levels: AnalogSignals
In the next step, we will read analogue signal levels: Analogue Signals
  -- Uli Raich - 2022-10-15
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