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Revision 52019-06-09 - UliRaich

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META TOPICPARENT name="WorkshopSlides"

Start Presentation

Slide 1: Setting up and IoT

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The CayenneMessage class



Analogue to Digital Conversion

Often real world signals are analogue in nature.

Before treating them digitally we must convert them to digital values

This is done by an Analogue to Digital Converter

The ESP8266 has a 10 bit ADC on chip, the ESP32 has 3 12 bit ADCs

To demonstrate this we use a photo resistor reading the light intensity.

Photo resistor and LED

The photo resistor and the 1 kΩ resistor form a voltage divider

The LED can be switched on by program and changes the light

Intensity seen by the photo resistor

photoresistorSchema.png proto.png

ADC readout

The ADC and GPIO driver classes

are already available in MicroPython.

This makes readout a child’s game.


Prototype board on Cayenne


The prototype GUI


History of Intensity Measurements


A trigger in Cayenne

We will observe the light intensity a and switch a light on, if it gets too dark


The trigger code



A Qt app and Cayenne MQTT

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