Difference: SolutionsToTheExercises (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122017-11-13 - uli

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Solutions to the exercises

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 and here is the doxygen doc for it.

  • Solutions to exercise 11: Analogue to Digital Conversion

    Even more important than digital to analogue conversion is its counterpart: analogue to digital conversion (ADC). Even though we have a high precision 4 channel ADC in our kit of sensors (the ADS1115 16 bit ADC) we use the much simpler model: a PCF8591, 8 bit ADC, simply because the PCB on which this ADC is mounted, already contains a potentiometer, a photo resistor and a thermistor which which we can play.
    When used in conjunction with the 2-line LCD display it is easy to create a simple volt meter.


  • Solutions to exercise 13: the ds1307 Real Time Clock

    These solutions show how to set the real time clock using a complex command line argument interface with getopt_long. Many of the Linux commands are implemented this way. The program, when called without parameters, shows the current date and time, with parameters it allows to set seconds, minutes, hours, day...
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="dht11.tar.gz" attr="" comment="" date="1510478831" name="dht11.tar.gz" path="dht11.tar.gz" size="1591102" user="uli" version="1"
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