Difference: CustomNopMicroPython (1 vs. 9)

Revision 92022-09-23 - UliRaich

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Preparing a custom version of MicroPython with TensorFlow


Line: 30 to 30
    • make
  • cd .. (the micropython folder of tflite-micro-micropython)
    • git apply ../boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM/micropython.patch !!! This is not needed any longer and the patch does not work anymore !!!
      MicroPython allocates the full SPIRAM installed on the esp32-cam module for its heap. However, the esp32-camera driver needs some SPIRAM for its image buffer. The patch modifies main.c in micropython/ports/esp32 such that part of the SPIRAM is kept free for the camera driver.
  • cd boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_16M (when using the TTGO T7 Mini32 V1.5 ESP32-WROVER-B CPU board) or
    cd boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM when using the esp32-cam module
  • Due to recent changes in MicroPython some modifications to the micropython-modules are needed:
  • cd boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_16M, when using the TTGO T7 Mini32 V1.5 ESP32-WROVER-B CPU board or
    cd boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM, when using the esp32-cam module
    • idf.py clean build (this builds the MicroPython firmware)
  • flash the custom MicroPython interpreter
    • idf.py flash

Revision 82022-09-22 - UliRaich

Line: 1 to 1

Preparing a custom version of MicroPython with TensorFlow


Line: 29 to 29
    • cd ../micropython/mpy_cross
    • make
  • cd .. (the micropython folder of tflite-micro-micropython)
    • git apply ../boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM/micropython.patch
      MicroPython allocates the full SPIRAM installed on the esp32-cam module for its heap. However, the esp32-camera driver needs some SPIRAM for its image buffer. The patch modifies main.c in micropython/ports/esp32 such that part of the SPIRAM is kept free for the camera driver.
    • git apply ../boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM/micropython.patch !!! This is not needed any longer and the patch does not work anymore !!!
      MicroPython allocates the full SPIRAM installed on the esp32-cam module for its heap. However, the esp32-camera driver needs some SPIRAM for its image buffer. The patch modifies main.c in micropython/ports/esp32 such that part of the SPIRAM is kept free for the camera driver.
  • cd boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_16M (when using the TTGO T7 Mini32 V1.5 ESP32-WROVER-B CPU board) or
    cd boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM when using the esp32-cam module
    • idf.py clean build (this builds the MicroPython firmware)
  • flash the custom MicroPython interpreter

Revision 72022-09-22 - UliRaich

Line: 1 to 1

Preparing a custom version of MicroPython with TensorFlow


Line: 30 to 30
    • make
  • cd .. (the micropython folder of tflite-micro-micropython)
    • git apply ../boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM/micropython.patch
      MicroPython allocates the full SPIRAM installed on the esp32-cam module for its heap. However, the esp32-camera driver needs some SPIRAM for its image buffer. The patch modifies main.c in micropython/ports/esp32 such that part of the SPIRAM is kept free for the camera driver.
  • cd boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_16M (when using the TTGO T7 Mini32 V1.5 ESP32-WROVER-B CPU board)
  • cd boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_16M (when using the TTGO T7 Mini32 V1.5 ESP32-WROVER-B CPU board) or
    cd boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM when using the esp32-cam module
    • idf.py clean build (this builds the MicroPython firmware)
  • flash the custom MicroPython interpreter
    • idf.py flash

Revision 62022-04-22 - UliRaich

Line: 1 to 1

Preparing a custom version of MicroPython with TensorFlow


Line: 29 to 29
    • cd ../micropython/mpy_cross
    • make
  • cd .. (the micropython folder of tflite-micro-micropython)
    • git apply ../boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM/micropython.patch
      !MicroPython allocates the full SPIRAM installed on the esp32-cam module for its heap. However, the esp32-camera driver needs some SPIRAM for its image buffer. The patch modifies main.c in micropython/ports/esp32 such that part of the SPIRAM is kept free for the camera driver.
    • git apply ../boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM/micropython.patch
      MicroPython allocates the full SPIRAM installed on the esp32-cam module for its heap. However, the esp32-camera driver needs some SPIRAM for its image buffer. The patch modifies main.c in micropython/ports/esp32 such that part of the SPIRAM is kept free for the camera driver.
  • cd boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_16M (when using the TTGO T7 Mini32 V1.5 ESP32-WROVER-B CPU board)
    • idf.py clean build (this builds the MicroPython firmware)
  • flash the custom MicroPython interpreter

Revision 52022-04-22 - UliRaich

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Preparing a custom version of MicroPython with TensorFlow


Line: 20 to 20
  • Setup the sub-modules for the ESP32 port of MicroPython
    • cd ../micropython
    • git submodule update --init lib/axtls
    • git update --init lib/berkeley-db-1.xx
    • git submodule update --init lib/berkeley-db-1.xx
  • Get the esp32-camera driver from Espressif
    • cd ..
    • cd tflm-esp-kernels

Revision 42022-04-21 - UliRaich

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Preparing a custom version of MicroPython with TensorFlow


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  Here are the steps to build this custom microPython version:
  • The steps to build the firmware can be found in tflite-micro-micropython/.github/workflows/build_esp32.yml
    In my case the Espressif development environment espidf has already been downloaded and set up earlier. I use espidf version 4.3.1, the latest stable version at time of writing.

    Activate the virtual Python environment needed for espidf (if venvwrapper is installed: workon espidf)
    Make sure that the modules Pillow and Wave have been installed on this virtual environment. If not, install them with pip:
  • The steps to build the firmware can be found in tflite-micro-micropython/.github/workflows/build_esp32.yml
    In my case the Espressif development environment espidf has already been downloaded and set up earlier. I use espidf version 4.3.1, the latest stable version at time of writing.

    Activate the virtual Python environment needed for espidf (if venvwrapper is installed: workon espidf)
    Make sure that the modules Pillow and Wave have been installed on this virtual environment. If not, install them with pip:
    • pip3 install Pillow
    • pip3 install Wave
  • Setup the sub-modules needed for tflm:
Line: 29 to 29
    • cd ../micropython/mpy_cross
    • make
  • cd .. (the micropython folder of tflite-micro-micropython)
    • git apply ../boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM/micropython.patch
      !MicroPython allocates the full SPIRAM installed on the esp32-cam module for its heap. However, the esp32-camera driver needs some of the SPIRAM for its image buffer. The patch modifies main.c in micropython/ports/esp32 such that part of the SPIRAM is kept free for the camera driver.
    • git apply ../boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM/micropython.patch
      !MicroPython allocates the full SPIRAM installed on the esp32-cam module for its heap. However, the esp32-camera driver needs some SPIRAM for its image buffer. The patch modifies main.c in micropython/ports/esp32 such that part of the SPIRAM is kept free for the camera driver.
  • cd boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_16M (when using the TTGO T7 Mini32 V1.5 ESP32-WROVER-B CPU board)
    • idf.py clean build (this builds the MicroPython firmware)
  • flash the custom MicroPython interpreter
    • idf.py flash
Line: 37 to 38
Since all the necessary drivers and libraries are now available in MicroPython we can go ahead and try the TensorFlow Lite Micro examples.
Since all the necessary drivers and libraries are now ready in MicroPython we can go ahead and try the TensorFlow Lite Micro examples.
  -- Uli Raich - 2022-01-31

Revision 32022-01-31 - UliRaich

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Preparing a custom version of MicroPython with TensorFlow


Line: 7 to 7
  Here are the steps to build this custom microPython version:
  • The steps to build the firmware can be found in tflite-micro-micropython/.github/workflows/build_esp32.yml
    In my case the Espressif development environment espidf has already been downloaded and set up earlier. I use espidf version 4.3.1, the latest stable version at time of writing.

    Activate the virtual Python environment needed for espidf
    Make sure that the modules Pillow and Wave have been installed on this virtual environment. If not, install them with pip:
  • The steps to build the firmware can be found in tflite-micro-micropython/.github/workflows/build_esp32.yml
    In my case the Espressif development environment espidf has already been downloaded and set up earlier. I use espidf version 4.3.1, the latest stable version at time of writing.

    Activate the virtual Python environment needed for espidf (if venvwrapper is installed: workon espidf)
    Make sure that the modules Pillow and Wave have been installed on this virtual environment. If not, install them with pip:
    • pip3 install Pillow
    • pip3 install Wave
  • Setup the sub-modules needed for tflm:
    • cd tflite-micro-micropython
    • git submodule init
    • git submodule update --recursive
  • Regenerate the microlite/tfm directory
    • cd tensorflow
    • ../micropython-modules/microlite/prepare-tflm-esp.sh
  • Setup the sub-modules for the ESP32 port of MicroPython
    • cd micropython
    • cd ../micropython
    • git submodule update --init lib/axtls
    • git update --init lib/berkeley-db-1.xx
  • Get the esp32-camera driver from Espressif

Revision 22022-01-31 - UliRaich

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Preparing a custom version of MicroPython with TensorFlow


For work with ML algorithms I use the esp32-cam module because it is small, cheap and has a camera installed on it.
For work with ML algorithms I use the esp32-cam module because it is small, cheap and has a camera installed on it. To get it ready for ML models we must first create a custom version of MicroPython. Michael O'Cleirigh's github repository (https://github.com/mocleiri/tensorflow-micropython-examples) contains all the tools to do just this.

Here are the steps to build this custom microPython version:

  • Download the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/mocleiri/tensorflow-micropython-examples tflite-micro-micropython
  • The steps to build the firmware can be found in tflite-micro-micropython/.github/workflows/build_esp32.yml
    In my case the Espressif development environment espidf has already been downloaded and set up earlier. I use espidf version 4.3.1, the latest stable version at time of writing.

    Activate the virtual Python environment needed for espidf
    Make sure that the modules Pillow and Wave have been installed on this virtual environment. If not, install them with pip:
    • pip3 install Pillow
    • pip3 install Wave
  • Setup the sub-modules needed for tflm:
    • cd tflite-micro-micropython
    • git submodule init
    • git submodule update --recursive
  • Setup the sub-modules for the ESP32 port of MicroPython
    • cd micropython
    • git submodule update --init lib/axtls
    • git update --init lib/berkeley-db-1.xx
  • Get the esp32-camera driver from Espressif
    • cd ..
    • cd tflm-esp-kernels
    • git submodule update --init examples/person_detection/esp32-camera
  • Build the MicroPython cross compiler
    • cd ../micropython/mpy_cross
    • make
  • cd .. (the micropython folder of tflite-micro-micropython)
    • git apply ../boards/esp32/MICROLITE_SPIRAM_CAM/micropython.patch
      !MicroPython allocates the full SPIRAM installed on the esp32-cam module for its heap. However, the esp32-camera driver needs some of the SPIRAM for its image buffer. The patch modifies main.c in micropython/ports/esp32 such that part of the SPIRAM is kept free for the camera driver.
    • idf.py clean build (this builds the MicroPython firmware)
  • flash the custom MicroPython interpreter
    • idf.py flash
Once you have flashed the custom interpreter you can check if all the Python modules are available:


Since all the necessary drivers and libraries are now available in MicroPython we can go ahead and try the TensorFlow Lite Micro examples.

  -- Uli Raich - 2022-01-31


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="tflite_micropython.png" attr="" comment="" date="1643635516" name="tflite_micropython.png" path="tflite_micropython.png" size="22818" user="UliRaich" version="1"

Revision 12022-01-31 - UliRaich

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Preparing a custom version of MicroPython with TensorFlow


For work with ML algorithms I use the esp32-cam module because it is small, cheap and has a camera installed on it.

-- Uli Raich - 2022-01-31


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