Difference: InternetAccess (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92020-06-13 - UliRaich

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Internet access

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 When collecting data it may be interesting to transfer them for analysis to a PC. For this an FTP server is very helpful and there is one included in the MicroPython binary. Make sure you are connected to the network with wifi_connect and then simply
import uftpd. You may stop the server again with uftpd.stop().

More information about the ftp server can be found at https://github.com/robert-hh/FTP-Server-for-ESP8266-ESP32-and-PYBD



A simple telnet server is included in the MicroPython binary. To start it:

import utelnetserver

Once started you can telnet to the ESP32 and connect to its REPL.

Attention: This does NOT work when running the shell in thonny!

Here is an example:


On the left you have a minicom window connected to the ESP32 REPL through the serial line. On the right you have a window on the PC where I connect to the ESP32 REPL through telnet over the network.


Exercises for the Internet part of the IoT course

In this course we will have a look into two ways of accessing our data:

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="wifi_connect_public.py.txt" attr="" comment="" date="1591819343" name="wifi_connect_public.py.txt" path="wifi_connect_public.py.txt" size="3552" user="UliRaich" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="wifi_connect.jpg" attr="" comment="" date="1591258916" name="wifi_connect.jpg" path="wifi_connect.jpg" size="107973" user="UliRaich" version="1"
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