Difference: MQTTAndCayenne (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62020-10-05 - UliRaich

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MQTT and Cayenne


Line: 45 to 45
On the left hand side it shows the IoT projects on which I had been working with the IoT course SHT30 project selected. There are two number widgets for temperature and humidity values coming from the SHT30 with an icon for temperature and another one for relative humidity. Then you see the history of temperature and humidity measurements over the last few minutes and finally a push button used to control the built-in LED on the ESP32 CPU board. As you can see, the LED is currently "on".
On the left hand side it shows the IoT projects on which I had been working with the IoT course SHT30 project selected. There are two number widgets for temperature and humidity values coming from the SHT30 with an icon for temperature and another one for relative humidity. Then you see the history of temperature and humidity measurements over the last few minutes and finally a push button used to control the built-in LED on the ESP32 CPU board. As you can see, the LED is currently "on".
  The rest of this chapter will lead you to such a result.

The first steps

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