Difference: ST7735TFTDisplay (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92020-07-29 - UliRaich

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Exercise 10: A TFT Display and the ST7735 display controller


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Exercise 5: A new GUI element (bonus point)

Create a new "scale" GUI element showing a scale. This should can be used e.g. to create a Voltmeter making use of the ESP32 ADC.
Create a voltmeter application to measure voltages. You will need a new Scale GUI element similar to the nanogui Dial, but designed by yourself, which displays the voltage read from an ADC. Values to be displayed must range from 0 to 5V. The photo below shows the voltmeter, reading a voltage of 1V.



Exercise 6: Super Mario, a bit of a challenge!

Two simple arcade games come with the SD1351 driver demos. One of them is a Super Mario game, which however is based on hardware we don't have. As far as I can see they use a joystick with BlueTooth connection. You can replace this with an analogue joystick we have in our sensor box. 2 ADC channels are needed to read it out.

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