Difference: TFTDisplay (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122020-08-20 - UliRaich

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TFT Displays


Line: 162 to 161
  • demo_color_palette.py:
Bouncing Boxes Color squares Color palette
img_8003.png img_7952.png img_8014.png
As explained above, text writing in different fonts is not exactly easy. While the original SSD1351 driver loaded its fonts from C files before using them, a procedure which could take several tens of seconds, the new version uses the same fonts but converted into Python code and stored in flash together with access methods to get the pixel information. Now, no font loading is necessary any more and text drawing becomes very fast. The text drawing demo
As explained above, text writing in different fonts is not exactly easy. While the original SSD1351 driver loaded its fonts from C files before using them, a procedure which could take several tens of seconds, the new version uses the same fonts but converted into Python code and stored in flash together with access methods to get the pixel information. Now, no font loading is necessary any more and text drawing becomes very fast. The text drawing demo

  • demo_fonts.py
only needed minor modification to reflect this change. However, a utility script to convert the original C font to a Python font is needed.

img_7958.png img_7959.png img_7960.png img_7961.png
You can find the source code of the demos on the github repository for the course.

Video games

In the list of demos for the SSD1351 driver you even find 2 simple video games:

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