Difference: TFTDisplay (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132020-10-23 - UliRaich

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TFT Displays


Line: 13 to 13
  The 1.4" display is already quite a bit better even though 128x128 bit resolution is still not enough for sophisticated graphics. It is enough however to write a few lines of text and produce simple graphics, e.g. creating a graph of sensor readout results.
The 2.4" display is clearly the most powerful device, adding touch functionality. It is however so big that it is difficult to plug it onto the WeMos D1 bus, even if the connector is available. The better solution is an adapter board and a connecting cable.
The 2.4" display is clearly the most powerful device, adding touch functionality. It is however so big that it is difficult to plug it onto the WeMos D1 bus, even if the connector is available. The better solution is an adapter board and a connecting cable.This display board also features a touch screen and is one of the boards supported by the lvgl Graphical User Interface (GUI) library.
  Since the 1.4" display is enough for most our applications, it can be nicely plugged onto the bus just like any other sensor or actuator shield and it is substantially cheaper than the 2.4" solution, this is the device we chose for the course.

Preparing the hardware

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