Difference: TheHardware (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92020-07-12 - UliRaich

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The Hardware

The CPU card

The CPU card features an Espressif ESP32-wroom-32 with
There are two different ESP32 CPU cards available for the WeMos D1 mini bus. The first card is based on an ESP-wroom-32 CPU while the second one uses the ESP-wrover-b chip.

Both cards have

  • 2 low-powerXtensa®32-bitLX6microprocessors
  • 520 KB of on-chip SRAM for data and instructions
  • 4 MB of SPI flash
  • I2C, I2S, SPI interface
  • 3 UARTs, 12 bit ADC up to 18 channels, 8 bit DAC
Here is a photo of the board:


The ESP-wrover-b additionally has 8 MBytes of external PSRAM (of which only 4MBytes are accessible at a given time)
Here are photos of the boards:
ESP-wroom-32 ESP-wrover-b
esp32V1.png wrover.png
 For more details please read the data sheet:



!!! Attention !!!

While the ESP32-wroom-32 uses GPIO 2 for its on-board user LED the ESP32-wrover-b uses GPIO 19.

The ESP32-wrover-b has a design flaw: GPIO 16 connected to pin D3 and GPIO 17 connected to pin D4 cannot be used to control sensors because these GPIO lines are used to control the PSRAM. This means that the CPU is incompatible with any shield using pins D3 and D4. Other GPIO lines should have been made available instead.


The Base Board

This board has no active elements but it connects sensor shields to the CPU board. Like this the necessary connections are made in a Lego based manner by just plugging modules together without any further cable connections or soldering.

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