> > | Release Notes of TWiki-6.1.0 (Kampala), 2018-07-16
TWiki is an enterprise collaboration platform and application platform. TWiki has been downloaded around a million times and is used as a mission critical platform by many leading Fortune 500 businesses and government agencies on their intranet, extranet or public website. Users without programming skills can create web applications. Developers can integrate TWiki applications with other enterprise applications.
TWiki-6.1.0 released on 2018-07-16 is a minor release that brings many usability enhancements, strengthens TWiki as an application platform, and has enhanced security.
Feature Highlights
- Usability Enhancements
- New HIDEINPRINT variable to hide some topic from printing
- New
attachment parameter for INCLUDE variable to include an attachment
- Expand
$name token in links [[WebName.TopicName][$name]] and [[%ATTACHURL%/filename.ext][$name]]
- New
exclude parameter for WEBLIST variable
- Support for literal search for %SOME% variable, such as
- TWiki Application Platform Enhancements
- New FORM and EDITFORM variables
- The WEB variable now has the nameless parameter to specify output format with tokens
$top(n) , $last(n) , $item(n) , $list , $size
- The EDITFORMFIELD variable supports
textarea type
- Link
[[TopicName?param=value][label]] becomes a parameterized link to the topic view URL
- Variables in VIEW_TEMPLATE and EDIT_TEMPLATE are expanded
- The
redirectto URL parameter for the save script may contain $web and $topic tokens
- Security Enhancements
- Log-in with two-step authentication
- A number of enhancements to guard against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Code Injection attacks
- New mode="search" encoding in ENCODE and URLPARAM
- Do anti-spam e-mail padding only for unauthenticated guests
- Predefined variables can no longer be redefined with preferences settings
- Extensions Enhancements
- Add new TWikiSheetPlugin to TWiki core distribution, allowing simultaneous editing of spreadsheets
- TinyMCEPlugin: Document how to add custom toolbar button to TinyMCE editor
- Miscellaneous Feature Enhancements
- The configure script can now run under the PSGI engine
- User preferences can be demoted under web preferences (site-wide configuration); specific user preferences can be denied and allowed
- 8 new TWikiDocGraphics icons:
car, desk, milestone-add, program, program-add, project-add, refresh, sprint; 1 updated icon: project
- The HTML title shows the more descriptive TOPICTITLE instead of just TOPIC
Pre-installed Extensions
TWiki-6.1 ships with:
- Plugins: BackupRestorePlugin, ColorPickerPlugin, CommentPlugin, DatePickerPlugin, EditTablePlugin, EmptyPlugin, HeadlinesPlugin, InterwikiPlugin, JQueryPlugin, PreferencesPlugin, RenderListPlugin, SetGetPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, TablePlugin, TagMePlugin, TinyMCEPlugin, TWikiSheetPlugin, TwistyPlugin, WatchlistPlugin, WysiwygPlugin
- Contribs: BehaviourContrib, MailerContrib, TipsContrib, TWikiUserMappingContrib, TwistyContrib
- Skins: MovedSkin, PatternSkin, PlainSkin, PrintSkin, TopMenuSkin
- Apps: TWikiDashboardAddOn, ScrollBoxAddOn
Note: TWikiSheetPlugin is new in TWiki-6.1.
Supported User Interface Languages
The user interface of this TWiki version is localized to 19 languages:
English (default), Bulgarian (bg ), Chinese simplified (zh-cn ), Chinese traditional (zh-tw ), Czechoslovakian (cs ), Danish (da ), Dutch (nl ), German (de ), Finnish (fi ), French (fr ), Italian (it ), Japanese (ja ), Korean (ko ), Polish (pl ), Portuguese (pt ), Russian (ru ), Slovakian (sv ), Spanish (es ), Ukrainian (uk ).
Note: TWiki needs to be configured properly to display user interface languages other than the default English language. Details in TWiki:TWiki.InstallationWithI18N and TWiki:TWiki.InternationalizationSupplement .
Notes for TWiki Administrators and Wiki Champions
New TWikiSheetPlugin
The TWikiSheetPlugin is a new addition to TWiki. It turns a TWiki table into a spreadsheet that can be modified right in the browser. A TWiki Sheet looks and feels like Excel and Google Sheets. Functions with a familiar syntax such as =SUM(A2:A6) can be added to cells. A cell range can be selected, copied and pasted between TWiki Sheet, Excel and Google Sheets. Changes to cells are saved automatically in the background, e.g. there is no explicit save step. Concurrent editing can be enabled, e.g. changes by others will magically show up in TWiki Sheet.
TWiki Forms Enhancements
Several enhancements have been done to TWikiForms to make it easier to create TWiki applications and for better usability.
- New FORM variable makes it easy to show form fields as topic content
- New EDITFORM varialbe makes it easy to have a web form to create/update TWikiForms as topic content
- The EDITFORMFIELD variable now supports
textarea type
Usage of $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION
The $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION number can be used by plugins for conditional code execution. From TWiki-6.0.0 on, the version umber is aligned with the TWiki version number, e.g. for this release, $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION is set to 6.10 . The number needs to be numeric so that a number comparison can be done. By convention, Major.MinorPatch is used, e.g. 6.12 for a future TWiki-6.1.2 release.
History of $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION numbers:
TWiki release |
Code name<-- --> |
$TWiki::Plugins::VERSION |
TWiki-6.0.1 |
" |
6.01 |
TWiki-6.0.2 |
" |
6.02 |
TWiki-2001-09-01 |
Athens |
1.000 |
TWiki-2003-02-01 |
Beijing |
1.010 |
TWiki-2004-09-02 |
Cairo |
1.025 |
TWiki-4.0 |
Dakar |
1.1 |
TWiki-4.1 |
Edinburgh |
1.11 |
TWiki-4.2 |
Freetown |
1.2 |
TWiki-4.3 |
Georgetown |
1.2 |
TWiki-5.0 |
Helsinki |
1.3 |
TWiki-5.1 |
Istanbul |
1.4 |
TWiki-6.0.0 |
Jerusalem |
6.00 |
TWiki-6.1.0 |
Kampala |
6.10 |
Upgrade From Earlier Releases
Follow the TWikiUpgradeGuide to install TWiki and migrate data from your existing TWiki.
You can use the BackupRestorePlugin to backup an old TWiki and then simply restore the content to a new TWiki. Make sure to exclude the TWiki web on restore!
Deprecation Notices
MailerContrib Deprecated
The MailerContrib is deprecated and will be replaced in a future TWiki release by the newly added WatchlistPlugin.
JSCalendarContrib Removed
FIXME: Remove from distribution
The Mishoo JSCalendar based DHTML pop-up calendar was repackaged as DatePickerPlugin in the previous TWiki release. The JSCalendarContrib has been removed in this release. Actions to take:
- TWiki pages that use JSCalendarContrib need to be updated to the much easier format of the new plugin - details in DatePickerPlugin
- Extensions that have a dependency on JSCalendarContrib need to be updated to version 2012-12-12 or later:
TWikiNetSkin & TWikiNetSkinPlugin Removed
The TWikiNetSkin and TWikiNetSkinPlugin have been removed in this release.
TWiki-6.1.0 Minor Release - Details
TWiki-6.1.0 was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/trunk revision r30610 (2018-07-16)
Related Topics: TWikiHistory, TWikiInstallationGuide, TWikiUpgradeGuide, TWikiReleaseNotes04x00, TWikiReleaseNotes04x01, TWikiReleaseNotes04x02, TWikiReleaseNotes04x03, TWikiReleaseNotes05x00, TWikiReleaseNotes05x01, TWikiReleaseNotes06x00 |