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Revision 62013-04-23 - TWikiContributor

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Each web has a WebAtom topic which includes part of this WebAtomBase topic. This topic is the base for the ATOM feed and generates an WebAtom 1.0 feed for TWiki:Codev/AtomSyndication.

The WebAtom topic in each web contains the following text:

<title><nop>%WIKITOOLNAME%'s <nop>%INCLUDINGWEB% web</title>
<subtitle>(the description of the web, plain text with no markup and no wikiwords). TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform.</subtitle>
%INCLUDE{"%SYSTEMWEB%.WebAtomBase"}% <!--
   * Set SKIN = rss

Below part is included by each WebAtom topic:

%STARTINCLUDE%<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%INCLUDINGWEB%/%BASETOPIC%"/>
Copyright 2024 by contributing authors 2015-08-23T21:41:22Z TWikiUserMappingContrib https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiUserMappingContrib 2015-08-23T21:41:22Z TWikiUserMappingContrib Introduction The User Mapping Manager interface provides services for mapping between a `user identity` as used when talking to an external... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor RenderListPlugin https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/RenderListPlugin 2015-01-14T08:23:21Z Render List Plugin Syntax Rules RENDERLIST Variable Place a % RENDERLIST{ parameters above any bullet list The list can be handcrafted, generated... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarJQENDTAB https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarJQENDTAB 2014-11-14T22:27:26Z JQENDTAB end a JQuery tab within a tab pane This variable is handled by the JQueryPlugin. For description see JQTABPANE Syntax: % JQTABPANE% % JQTAB{`Tab... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiTimeDotPm https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiTimeDotPm 2014-10-05T11:03:29Z Package TWiki::Time Time handling functions. StaticMethod parseTime ($szDate,$defaultLocal) $iSecs Convert string date/time string to seconds since epoch (... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiDashboardAddOn https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiDashboardAddOn 2014-04-11T07:09:15Z TWiki Dashboard Add On Introduction A dashboard comes into play when users need to get an overview of their work and want to navigate quickly to relevant places.... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiPluginDotPm https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiPluginDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Plugin ClassMethod new ($session,$name,$module) $session TWiki object $name name of the plugin e.g. MyPlugin $module... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiStoreSearchAlgorithmsForkingDotPm https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiStoreSearchAlgorithmsForkingDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Store::SearchAlgorithms::Forking Forking implementation of the RCS cache search. StaticMethod search ($searchString,$topics,$options,$sDir)... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarLAQUO https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarLAQUO 2013-10-02T21:27:09Z LAQUO left double angle quote This variable is typically used in breadcrumbs. Syntax: % LAQUO% Expands to: Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WikiReferences https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WikiReferences 2013-09-25T19:36:41Z References on Wiki and Collaboration Some useful articles and books around collaboration and the Wiki technology in particular. Wiki Technology and TWiki Presentation... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarU https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarU 2013-09-14T07:33:48Z U `updated` icon Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut. Syntax: % U% Expands to: Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WebCreateNewTopicTemplate https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WebCreateNewTopicTemplate 2013-04-10T10:41:37Z Create New Topic in 1 Web %{ do not show the following elements Topic name: Topic parent: Use template: Default template View templates (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarUSERINFO https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarUSERINFO 2012-11-15T07:17:45Z USERINFO{`name`} retrieve details about a user Syntax: % USERINFO% Expands to: (comma separated list of the username, wikiusername, and emails) With... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarPLUGINDESCRIPTIONS https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarPLUGINDESCRIPTIONS 2012-11-15T05:58:40Z PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS list of plugin descriptions Syntax: % PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS% Expands to: Category: AdministrationVariables, SystemInformationVariables... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiTip025 https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiTip025 2012-09-05T06:16:09Z SpreadSheetPlugin for dynamic content The SpreadSheetPlugin offers 100 functions. Functions are evaluated at page view time. A formula can be placed anywhere in a... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor ATasteOfTWiki https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/ATasteOfTWiki 2011-08-19T05:22:48Z This is a short introductory training course for TWiki beginners. A Taste of TWiki The basic function of TWiki is a Wiki (if that helps!) A Wiki is like a web site... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WebLeftBar https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WebLeftBar 2011-07-28T22:08:03Z 1 Web Users Groups Index Search Changes Notifications RSS Feed Statistics Preferences User... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor
Copyright 2024 by contributing authors 2015-05-13T06:49:42Z VarJQTAB https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarJQTAB 2015-05-13T06:49:42Z JQTAB start a JQuery tab within a tab pane This variable is handled by the JQueryPlugin. For description see JQTABPANE Syntax: % JQTABPANE% % JQTAB{`Tab... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TwistyContrib https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TwistyContrib 2015-04-28T07:33:25Z TwistyContrib Introduction This contrib packages in a convenient way the JavaScript library and the CSS file needed to implement Twisty sections. TwistyContrib... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TinyMCEPlugin https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin 2015-02-17T07:43:28Z TinyMCEPlugin Introduction This is an integration of the fast and highly functional WYSIWYG editor. It supports a wide range of browsers such as Firefox, IE, Safari... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarREG https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarREG 2014-03-26T21:38:56Z REG Registered Trademark symbol Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut. Syntax: % REG% Expands to: Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarMAKETEXT https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarMAKETEXT 2014-01-29T00:14:09Z MAKETEXT translate text using TWiki`s I18N infrastructure Text in MAKETEXT is translated into another language at page view time if the user activates a... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiAccessDotPm https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiAccessDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Access A singleton object of this class manages the access control database. Dynamic access control and permission caching As TWiki:Codev/DynamicAccessControl... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WebLeftBarPersonalTemplate https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WebLeftBarPersonalTemplate 2013-10-14T07:39:45Z My links: My activities TWiki.org edit (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiSiteTools https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiSiteTools 2013-10-13T10:29:54Z TWiki Site Tools Utilities for searching, navigation, and monitoring site activity TWiki Site Tools include utilities for navigating, searching and keeping up with... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor StaticMethod https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/StaticMethod 2013-09-25T19:36:34Z Static Method A StaticMethod is a method in a package that can be called without reference to an object of the package type. For example, package Telecoms StaticMethod... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiDashboardImages https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiDashboardImages 2013-08-16T06:29:52Z TWikiDashboardAddOn #187; TWiki Dashboard Banner Images You can use these banner images for your own dashboards. If you use your own image, attach it directly to your... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiDocGraphicsTemplate https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphicsTemplate 2013-04-23T03:59:56Z Site Documentation Graphics Site specific documentation graphics are defined in this topic. Add your own graphic images here, they will survive a TWiki system update... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiExternalLinks https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiExternalLinks 2013-03-19T03:57:19Z TWiki External Links URLs starting with file , ftp , gopher , http , https , irc , mailto , news , nntp and telnet are linked automatically if preceded... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarUSERSIG https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarUSERSIG 2013-02-07T00:03:42Z USERSIG show user signature with profile picture icon Syntax: % USERSIG{WikiName or % USERSIG{WikiName YYYY MM DD The parameter can be either just... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarTOPICURL https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarTOPICURL 2012-11-15T07:02:52Z TOPICURL shortcut to viewing the current topic This variable always expands to an url pointing to the current base topic. Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarQUERYPARAMS https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarQUERYPARAMS 2012-11-15T06:02:06Z QUERYPARAMS show paramaters to the query Expands the parameters to the query that was used to display the page. Syntax: % QUERYPARAMS{... Parameters... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarIF https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarIF 2012-11-13T09:01:25Z IF{`condition` ...} simple conditionals Evaluate a condition and show one text or another based on the result. See details in IfStatements Syntax: % IF... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor

See also: WebRssBase, TWiki:Codev/AtomSyndication

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