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Copyright 2024 by contributing authors 2015-08-23T21:41:22Z TWikiUserMappingContrib https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiUserMappingContrib 2015-08-23T21:41:22Z TWikiUserMappingContrib Introduction The User Mapping Manager interface provides services for mapping between a `user identity` as used when talking to an external... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarENCODE https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarENCODE 2015-06-18T01:43:51Z ENCODE{string} encode a string to URL entities, HTML entities, CSV format, and more Encode `special` characters in a string to HTML numeric entities, URL entities... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor UserReports https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/UserReports 2015-05-29T23:43:57Z TWiki User Reports This page contains user reports you can use in TWiki application. Create appealing TWiki applications in a no time! Reports are of format % USERREPORT... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarJQTAB https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarJQTAB 2015-05-13T06:49:42Z JQTAB start a JQuery tab within a tab pane This variable is handled by the JQueryPlugin. For description see JQTABPANE Syntax: % JQTABPANE% % JQTAB{`Tab... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiPreferences https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiPreferences 2015-05-07T04:15:48Z TWiki Site Level Preferences This topic defines site level settings that apply to all users and webs on this TWikiSite. NOTE: Don`t edit this topic... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarTWOCOLUMNS https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarTWOCOLUMNS 2015-05-07T04:00:56Z TWOCOLUMNS responsive two column page layout Write % TWOCOLUMNS% ...text... % ENDCOLUMNS% to get a page layout with two columns . The layout is responsive... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiVariablesWizard https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiVariablesWizard 2015-01-16T00:39:20Z TWiki Variables Wizard to Find and Compose Variables #one var h6 { margin top: 0; } Categories: all Variables: Select a category... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiSkins https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiSkins 2014-05-01T07:55:49Z TWiki Skins A skin overlays regular templates to provide specific look and feel to TWiki screens. Overview TWiki uses TWikiTemplates files as the basis of all the... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor SiteChanges https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/SiteChanges 2013-11-15T21:54:05Z most recent topic changes in webs Modified (now ) Topic in Web Last Modified By Modify changes listing Number of changes per web: 20... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TipsContrib https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TipsContrib 2013-10-25T19:11:23Z Tips Contrib Package Displays a rotating `TWiki Tip of the Day` to help familiarize new users with TWiki features. Includes an application for creating custom tips... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiUpgradeGuide https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiUpgradeGuide 2013-10-15T21:59:36Z TWiki Upgrade Guide This guide covers upgrading from a previous version of TWiki (such as TWiki 5.1) to TWiki 6.0 Overview TWiki 6.0.0 is a major release that has... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiUsersBaseUserMappingDotPm https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiUsersBaseUserMappingDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Users::BaseUserMapping User mapping is the process by which TWiki maps from a username (a login name) to a display name and back. It is also where... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiStoreRcsLiteDotPm https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiStoreRcsLiteDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Store::RcsLite This package does not publish any methods. It implements the virtual methods of the TWiki::Store::RcsFile superclass. Simple replacement... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor ScrollBoxAddOn https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/ScrollBoxAddOn 2013-10-11T18:47:40Z Scroll Box Add on Introduction Use this add on to create nice looking text scroll boxes, logo rolls and boxes with images that get replaced in regular intervals.... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor QuerySearch https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/QuerySearch 2013-09-25T19:36:37Z Query Search Query searches help you search the contents of forms attached to your topics, as well as the values of other meta data attached to the topic. Using query... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor CopyingTopics https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/CopyingTopics 2012-12-25T07:25:32Z Copying Topics Browser based copy for individual topics Overview You can use browser based controls to copy a topic within the same web or to another web. The specified... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor
Copyright 2024 by contributing authors 2015-05-07T04:00:56Z VarFOURCOLUMNS https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarFOURCOLUMNS 2015-05-07T04:00:56Z FOURCOLUMNS responsive four column page layout Write % FOURCOLUMNS% ...text... % ENDCOLUMNS% to get a page layout with four columns . The layout is responsive... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiUserAuthentication https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiUserAuthentication 2014-07-13T20:49:50Z TWiki User Authentication TWiki site access control and user activity tracking options Overview Authentication, or `logging in`, is the process by which a user... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor FileAttachment https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/FileAttachment 2014-05-20T04:40:02Z File Attachments Each topic can have one or more files of any type attached to it by using the Attach screen to upload (or download) files from your local PC. Attachments... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarNOP https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarNOP 2014-05-16T00:46:08Z NOP template text not to be expanded in instantiated topics Syntax: % NOP% In normal topic text, expands to nop , which prevents expansion of adjacent... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiTipsOfTheDayInclude https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiTipsOfTheDayInclude 2013-10-25T19:11:37Z TWiki Tips Of the Day Include This Page randomly picks a Tip of the day to display. The of the TWiki and Sandbox web include the part between the horizontal rules... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarHOMETOPIC https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarHOMETOPIC 2013-09-20T08:03:13Z HOMETOPIC home topic in each web Note: Each web has a home topic Syntax: % HOMETOPIC% Expands to: , renders as Category: SystemInformationVariables... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TinyMCEFrequentlyAskedQuestions https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TinyMCEFrequentlyAskedQuestions 2013-09-13T06:54:46Z TinyMCE FAQs Frequently Asked Questions of the TinyMCEPlugin integration. Q: How can I disable the WYSIWYG editor? A: There are several ways to disable the WYSIWYG... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor UsingMultipleDisks https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/UsingMultipleDisks 2012-11-22T04:22:04Z Using multiple disks for DataDir and PubDir Motivation A TWiki site may reach a point where a single disk drive cannot house all files. Having PubDir on a different... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarWIKILOGOALT https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarWIKILOGOALT 2012-11-15T07:39:11Z WIKILOGOALT site logo tooltip message Syntax: % WIKILOGOALT% Expands to: Defined in: TWikiPreferences Category: AdministrationVariables, SystemInformationVar... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarTOPICLIST https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarTOPICLIST 2012-11-15T07:02:52Z TOPICLIST{`format`} topic index of a web List of all topics in a web. The `format` defines the format of one topic item. It may include variables: The $topic... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarREMOTEADDR https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarREMOTEADDR 2012-11-15T06:10:04Z REMOTE ADDR environment variable Syntax: % REMOTE ADDR% Expands to: Category: DevelopmentVariables, SystemInformationVariables Related:... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarQUERYPARAMS https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarQUERYPARAMS 2012-11-15T06:02:06Z QUERYPARAMS show paramaters to the query Expands the parameters to the query that was used to display the page. Syntax: % QUERYPARAMS{... Parameters... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarICONURL https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarICONURL 2012-11-13T09:00:16Z ICONURL{`name`} URL of small documentation graphic or icon Generates the full URL of a TWikiDocGraphics image, which TWiki renders as an image. The related... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarHTTPHOST https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarHTTPHOST 2012-11-13T08:57:27Z HTTP HOST environment variable Syntax: % HTTP HOST% Expands to: Category: SystemInformationVariables Related: ENV, REMOTE ADDR, REMOTE PORT... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarEDITTABLE https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarEDITTABLE 2012-11-12T08:18:39Z EDITTABLE{ attributes } edit TWiki tables using edit fields and other input fields The % EDITTABLE{ variable is handled by the EditTablePlugin Syntax... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor EmailAndNotificationVariables https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/EmailAndNotificationVariables 2012-11-11T09:07:03Z (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor

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  https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki Copyright 2024 by contributing authors
2015-11-29T10:27:04Z TWikiFormFieldDefinitionDotPm https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiFormFieldDefinitionDotPm 2015-11-29T10:27:04Z Package TWiki::Form::FieldDefinition Base class of all field definition classes. Type specific classes are derived from this class to define specific per type behaviours... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WebPreferences https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WebPreferences 2015-09-18T01:15:25Z TWiki Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the TWiki web. These preferences override the site level preferences in . and... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor PatternSkin https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/PatternSkin 2015-09-17T06:27:23Z Pattern Skin . For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin based new skin. Screenshot... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor JQueryPlugin https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/JQueryPlugin 2015-09-11T00:29:32Z JQuery Plugin Description This plugin packages the popular jQuery and jQuery UI JavaScript libraries. jQuery is a fast, small, and feature rich JavaScript... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor BehaviourContrib https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/BehaviourContrib 2015-02-17T08:33:24Z Behaviour Javascript Framework Contrib Introduction This contrib packages the third party Behaviour Javascript event library, available from http://bennolan.com... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiNetSkinPlugin https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiNetSkinPlugin 2015-02-17T07:57:15Z TWikiNetSkin Plugin Helps TWikiNetSkin to render tables and h2 headers. This plugin is only enabled if the skin is set to twikinet . Syntax Rules (none) Plugin... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiOopsExceptionDotPm https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiOopsExceptionDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::OopsException Exception used to raise a request to redirect to an Oops URL. An OopsException thrown anywhere in the code will redirect the browser... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarBR https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarBR 2013-10-02T21:27:09Z BR line break Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut. Syntax: % BR% Expands to: Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables Related... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarM https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarM 2013-09-14T07:33:48Z M moved to... icon Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut. Syntax: % M% Expands to: Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarN https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarN 2013-09-14T07:33:48Z N `new` icon Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut. Syntax: % N% Expands to: Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables, SkinsAndTemplatesVariables... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TagMeSearch https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TagMeSearch 2013-04-18T01:40:46Z Tag me: Tag Search All Tags Tag Search Show topics tagged with Other tag options: Create new tag, Rename tag, Delete tag (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor CommentPluginTemplate https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/CommentPluginTemplate 2013-02-07T00:57:20Z Templates for CommentPlugin See CommentPlugin: Customisation for help. While this topic can be viewed as a TWiki topic, it is used by the CommentPlugin as a template... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WebTopicViewTemplate https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WebTopicViewTemplate 2013-01-24T01:48:37Z Note: This topic does not exist The topic 1 you are trying to access does not exist, yet. Do you wish to navigate quickly to a similar topic? Similar topics... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarDATEPICKER https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarDATEPICKER 2012-12-12T06:00:09Z DATEPICKER{} pop up calendar to select a date for use in HTML forms The % DATEPICKER{ variable is handled by the DatePickerPlugin. Syntax: % DATEPICKER... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarUSERNAME https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarUSERNAME 2012-11-15T07:17:14Z USERNAME your login username TWiki makes names available in three formats: USERNAME like jsmith , WIKINAME like JohnSmith and WIKIUSERNAME like .JohnSmith... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarSESSIONVAR https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarSESSIONVAR 2012-11-15T06:25:02Z SESSIONVAR name of CGI and session variable that stores the session ID Syntax: % SESSIONVAR% Expand to: Category: DevelopmentVariables, SystemInformationVariables... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor
HeadlinesPlugin https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/HeadlinesPlugin 2015-11-05T22:53:05Z Headlines Plugin Description This plugin displays RSS and ATOM feeds from news sites. Use it to build news portals that show headline news. Notes: RSS (Rich... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarTOC https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarTOC 2014-06-16T01:48:26Z TOC table of contents of current topic Syntax: % TOC% Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables, UIAndVisualizationVariables Related: INCLUDE, TOC... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WebHome https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WebHome 2013-11-07T22:11:58Z The place to learn about TWiki features and perform TWiki system maintenance. TWiki is a flexible, powerful, secure, yet simple Enterprise Wiki and Web Application... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiAccessDotPm https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiAccessDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Access A singleton object of this class manages the access control database. Dynamic access control and permission caching As TWiki:Codev/DynamicAccessControl... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarT https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarT 2013-09-14T07:33:48Z T tip icon Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut. Syntax: % T% Expands to: Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables Related... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarH https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarH 2013-09-14T07:33:48Z H help icon Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut. Syntax: % H% Expands to: Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables Related... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor SiteStatisticsTemplate https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/SiteStatisticsTemplate 2013-09-12T05:23:21Z TWiki Site Statistics NOTE: This is a template topic, do not change. Update the site statistics. Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WysiwygPluginTopicLister https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WysiwygPluginTopicLister 2013-09-12T05:06:39Z (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor AutonomousWebs https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/AutonomousWebs 2012-12-26T01:54:51Z Making webs autonomous Motivation On a large TWiki site having thousands of webs, each web should be as self service as possible so that TWiki administrators` work... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarTWIKIWEB https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarTWIKIWEB 2012-11-15T07:03:24Z TWIKIWEB synonym for SYSTEMWEB Deprecated. Please use % SYSTEMWEB% instead. Category: SystemInformationVariables Related: SYSTEMWEB, USERSWEB (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarRED https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarRED 2012-11-15T06:08:07Z RED start red colored text RED is one of the rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings in that... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarPINK https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarPINK 2012-11-15T05:58:10Z PINK start pink colored text PINK is one of the rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings in... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarGMTIME2 https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarGMTIME2 2012-11-13T08:29:43Z GMTIME{`format`} formatted GM time Syntax: % GMTIME{`format` Supported variables: Variable: Unit: Example $seconds seconds... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables 2012-11-11T09:07:03Z (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor ATasteOfTWiki https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/ATasteOfTWiki 2011-08-19T05:22:48Z This is a short introductory training course for TWiki beginners. A Taste of TWiki The basic function of TWiki is a Wiki (if that helps!) A Wiki is like a web site... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WebLeftBar https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WebLeftBar 2011-07-28T22:08:03Z 1 Web Users Groups Index Search Changes Notifications RSS Feed Statistics Preferences User... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor

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<title><nop>%WIKITOOLNAME%'s <nop>%INCLUDINGWEB% web</title>
<subtitle>(the description of the web, plain text with no markup and no wikiwords). TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform.</subtitle>

%INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.WebAtomBase"}% <!--
%INCLUDE{"%SYSTEMWEB%.WebAtomBase"}% <!--
  • Set SKIN = rss

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2015-11-29T10:26:46Z CgiContrib https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/CgiContrib 2015-11-29T10:26:46Z CGI Contrib Package Introduction This contrib does not add any features to TWiki. Its purpose is to convert Perl`s CGI module from being an external dependency to... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiHistory https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiHistory 2015-11-29T03:53:51Z Appendix A: TWiki Development Time line TWiki Release 6.0 (Jerusalem) released on 2013 10 14 2015 11 29 New Features and Enhancements of TWiki Release 6.0... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor SearchHelp https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/SearchHelp 2015-05-15T01:02:39Z Search Help Search Pages There are two search pages; WebSearch offers basic search features, while WebSearchAdvanced offers more control over searches. By default... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor InterwikiPlugin https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/InterwikiPlugin 2015-02-02T21:15:01Z Interwiki Plugin Introduction The InterwikiPlugin links ExternalSite:Page text to a page on an external site based on aliases defined in the .InterWikis... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarMAKETEXT https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarMAKETEXT 2014-01-29T00:14:09Z MAKETEXT translate text using TWiki`s I18N infrastructure Text in MAKETEXT is translated into another language at page view time if the user activates a... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarREVINFO2 https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarREVINFO2 2013-11-27T08:00:26Z REVINFO{`format`} formatted revision information of topic Syntax: % REVINFO{`format` Supported parameters: Parameter: Description: Default... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiLogos https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiLogos 2013-11-07T07:34:19Z TWiki Logos The official TWiki logo is a big `T` in a speech bubble conveying `working together`, and has a `collaborate with TWiki` tag line. TWiki.org Logo Artwork... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarBB3 https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarBB3 2013-10-02T21:27:09Z BB3 level 3 bullet with line break Line break and bullet, level 3. Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut. Syntax: % BB3% Expands... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarSTATISTICSTOPIC https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarSTATISTICSTOPIC 2013-09-20T08:03:05Z STATISTICSTOPIC name of statistics topic Note: Each web has a statistics topic Syntax: % STATISTICSTOPIC% Expands to: , renders as Category... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TinyMCEQuickHelp https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TinyMCEQuickHelp 2013-09-13T06:54:46Z TinyMCE Editor Help Summary #tinyMceInfo td {vertical align:top; padding:0 1em 0 0;} #tinyMceInfo td.primaryTextcolumn {width:60%;} #tinyMceInfo td.secondaryTextcolumn... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarMETA https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarMETA 2013-03-30T01:55:46Z META displays meta data Provided mainly for use in templates, this variable generates the parts of the topic view that relate to meta data (attachments, forms... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarCONTENTMODE https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarCONTENTMODE 2012-11-30T07:50:47Z CONTENTMODE{web `WEB`} content mode Returns the content mode of the specified web. It`s either `local`, `read only`, `master`, or `slave`. Read ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarSYSTEMWEB https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarSYSTEMWEB 2012-11-15T06:30:41Z SYSTEMWEB name of TWiki documentation web The web containing all documentation and default preference settings Syntax: % SYSTEMWEB% Expands to:... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarREDBG https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarREDBG 2012-11-15T06:08:02Z REDBG start red colored background section REDBG is one of the rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarLOGOUT https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarLOGOUT 2012-11-14T05:55:08Z LOGOUT present a full logout link to authenticated user Present a logout link only to logged in users Syntax: % LOGOUT% Expand to: Category... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarLANGUAGE https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarLANGUAGE 2012-11-14T05:45:19Z LANGUAGE current user`s language Returns the language code for the language used as the current user. This is the language actually used by TWiki Internationalization... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor
TWikiRegistration https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiRegistration 2015-08-23T21:23:18Z Registration Note: Registered users can 1 change and 2 reset their passwords. Important: the information provided in this form will be stored in... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor SlideShowPlugin https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/SlideShowPlugin 2015-01-14T08:31:02Z Slide Show Plugin Introduction There is already a defacto standard for presentations, why this plugin? This plugin makes sense for organizations that do already have... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WelcomeGuest https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WelcomeGuest 2014-12-23T20:46:31Z Welcome, ! Welcome to TWiki! This is a TWikiSite (pronounced twee kee site ), a meeting place to work on common interests. Anyone can contribute using any web... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiSiteTools https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiSiteTools 2013-10-13T10:29:54Z TWiki Site Tools Utilities for searching, navigation, and monitoring site activity TWiki Site Tools include utilities for navigating, searching and keeping up with... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WikiReferences https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WikiReferences 2013-09-25T19:36:41Z References on Wiki and Collaboration Some useful articles and books around collaboration and the Wiki technology in particular. Wiki Technology and TWiki Presentation... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WebStatistics https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/WebStatistics 2013-09-13T00:20:58Z Statistics for TWiki Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor UserMasquerading https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/UserMasquerading 2013-03-22T05:26:04Z User Masquerading Preface This topic describes how to configure your TWiki site for user masquerading. There are cases where it`s handy to access TWiki on behalf... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiSkinBrowser https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TWikiSkinBrowser 2012-12-21T09:19:02Z TWiki Skin Browser You can try out the TWikiSkins currently installed on this system: .skinstable td {border top:2px solid #444; padding:0.75em 0.5em;} Tip: Additional... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor MovedSkin https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/MovedSkin 2012-12-17T01:32:39Z MovedSkin Overview Sometimes a TWiki site is migrated to a new location with a new URL. For convenience users visiting the old site should find the new site. When... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarAQUA https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarAQUA 2012-11-15T08:00:12Z AQUA start aqua colored text AQUA is one of the rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings in... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarTEAL https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarTEAL 2012-11-15T07:58:35Z TEAL start teal colored text TEAL is one of the rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings in... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarBROWN https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarBROWN 2012-11-15T07:49:59Z BROWN start brown colored text BROWN is one of the rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarOLIVE https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarOLIVE 2012-11-15T05:56:03Z OLIVE start olive green colored text OLIVE is one of the rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarLOGOUTURL https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarLOGOUTURL 2012-11-14T05:55:11Z LOGOUTURL present a logout link Present a logout link, regardless of the state of login Syntax: % LOGOUTURL% Expand to: Category: LinkingAndNavigationVariables... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor VarLOGIN https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/VarLOGIN 2012-11-14T05:52:20Z LOGIN present a full login link to non authenticated user Present a login link only to users that are not logged in Syntax: % LOGIN% Expand to:... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TagMeCreateNewTag https://iotworkshop.africa/do/view/TWiki/TagMeCreateNewTag 2012-11-13T09:19:06Z Tag me: Create New Tag Create New Tag Rename Tag Delete Tag Create a new tag then add it to a topic. Name of new tag: Existing tags: Other... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor

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ATOM News Feeds

Find out What's New

Revision 12006-01-24 - TWikiContributor

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ATOM News Feeds

Find out What's New

There are several ways to find out what's new in each TWiki web:

  1. Visit WebChanges to see recent changes
  2. Subscribed in WebNotify get notified of recent changes by e-mail
  3. Use a news readers such as TWiki:Plugins/HeadlinesPlugin to display the recent changes

ATOM Feed Usage

ATOM Feed Internals

Each web has a WebAtom topic which includes part of this WebAtomBase topic. This topic is the base for the ATOM feed and generates an WebAtom 1.0 feed for TWiki:Codev/AtomSyndication.

The WebAtom topic in each web contains the following text:

<title><nop>%WIKITOOLNAME%'s <nop>%INCLUDINGWEB% web</title>
<subtitle>(the description of the web, plain text with no markup and no wikiwords). TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform.</subtitle>
%INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.WebAtomBase"}% <!--
	* Set SKIN = rss

Below part is included by each WebAtom topic:

%STARTINCLUDE%<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="%SCRIPTURL%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%INCLUDINGWEB%/%HOMETOPIC%"/>
%SEARCH{"%URLPARAM{"search" default=".*" }%" web="%INCLUDINGWEB%" regex="on" nosearch="on" order="modified" reverse="on" nototal="on" limit="16" format="$percntCALC{$IF($GET(c)>0, , <updated>$isodate</updated>$CHAR(10))$SETM(c, +1)}$percnt<entry>$n <title>$topic</title>$n <link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"text/html\" href=\"%SCRIPTURL%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/$web/$topic?t=$isodate\"/>$n <id>%SCRIPTURL%/view%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/$web/$topic</id>$n <updated>$isodate</updated>$n <summary>$summary (last changed by <nop>$wikiname)</summary>$n <author>$n  <name><nop>$wikiname</name></author>$n</entry>"}%

See also: WebRssBase, TWiki:Codev/AtomSyndication

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.WebAtomBase.