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IoT, the Internet of things has become kind of a buzz-word. Everybody talks about it but there are few people who really know what is hidden behind the acronym and even fewer are capable of setting up an IoT network themselves.

During the workshop we want to explain what exactly is needed to set up IoT and we will construct a simple heterogeneous IoT network with different kinds of controllers, sensor and actuators showing how these devices communicate with each other without human intervention.

In order to be able doing this in just two days we will use myDevices Cayenne who claims to be “the world’s first drag and drop IoT project builder”. We will integrate a Raspberry Pi controller, an Arduino and an ESP8266 based IoT node into the system showing that with as little as 2.5 US$ an IoT node can be built. The participants will be given a controller with a sensor and they will program it and integrate it into the demo IoT network.

-- Uli Raich - 2019-04-28


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Topic revision: r2 - 2019-05-28 - UliRaich
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